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The cramps started acting up again at about five in the morning. Asher was sound asleep not wanting to wake him up I slowly removed his hand which was firmly on my stomach and decided I needed to distance myself from him. Slowly getting up I first went to the bathroom and thought about sleeping in the guest room or at least try to sleep.

To my shock Asher was awake when I came out of the bathroom rubbing his eyes he looked up at me.

"Are you OK?" He asked for what seemed like the hundredth time this night.

"Fine" I said annoyed. There was no getting away from this guy. I laid down back on the bed knowing that Asher would never let me sleep in the guest bedroom in the condition I was currently in.

"Stay away. Like far away" I growled at him and he did as I said instantly. I closed my eyes sleep came and went with each cramp. At about nine I was restless but the pain was too much to bear knowing that I needed to eat something before taking any medication I got up. Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror I was a mess my hair was all over the place, my face was pale, and I had huge purple bags under my eyes basically I was ready to be a zombie for Halloween no make up needed. I tried to fix my hair up a bit before leaving so I could seem slightly presentable as I knew Asher would be awake by now and shocker he was.

"Don't ask me if I'm OK" I told him before grabbing the advil and going downstairs to the kitchen.

Grabbing a jar of Nutella and a spoon I sat down on the table. I was half way through the bottle when Asher came down looking absolutely pristine and perfect while I probably looked like a sack of potatoes which made me hate him slightly more. Asher gave me a wary look but didn't dare say anything quietly pouring himself a cup of coffee as he sat down at the table. He smirked to himself finding me amusing it soon disappeared when I directed a death glare towards him.

"Morning you guys are up early" said Jason in a cheery voice "Luna how are you today?" asked Jason. I dropped my spoon with a loud thud on the table. I couldn't take it anymore.


I took another advil and put the Notebook on in the TV room. I wasn't really in the mood for the movie but it kept my mind of the cramps. Jason left soon after my outburst in the kitchen but I sensed Asher was still around. Laying on the couch I tried to watch the movie till the cramps slowly dissipated thanks to the advil. I heard someone cough I didn't need to look up to know it was Asher.

"Touch the remote you die" I said still not looking his way.

"Not here for the remote" he said while slipping behind me on the couch and putting his hand on my stomach "just wanted to offer my services" sinking his head into my shoulder.

This made me smile faintly but I didn't acknowledge him keeping my gaze on the TV screen. Some how I dozed off while watching the movie only waking up to see the credits rolling. Asher was still next to me wide awake looking at the screen.

"You watched the entire movie?" I asked rubbing my eyes surprised that he was able to sit through it. Derek and Mason would never watch it saying that they would loose man points just by saying it's name.

"Yeah it wasn't too bad but I don't get what all the fuss is about. You girls make it seem like it's The Shawshank Redemption of chick flicks" he admitted while I turned to face him.

"Well maybe The Shawshank Redemption is The Notebook of macho movies" I said resting my head on his chest. He laughed at my words running his hand across my face.

"I see you're in a better mood" he observed smiling at me

"Yeah I know I can be a bitch during these days sorry about that" I said biting my lip

"Don't be it's nothing I can't handle" he said with a chuckle

"It comes and goes for the next few days" I admitted  "I know I've been really mean to you when you've been nothing but helpful I am really sorry or until I turn into a monster again" I said lowering my gaze from him in shame. Asher lifted my chin so I could look up at him again.

"I don't mind you being a monster I think it's kind of cute" he said with a chuckle I playfully smacked his hand away.

"Don't call my monster cute it's mean and evil you should be scared" I fake growl at him followed by a laugh. I stopped and gazed up into his eyes getting lost mesmerized by the way they'd  flicker from green to hazel to gold resting my hands on the side of his face we closed the distance between  our lips crashing into each other. Closing my eyes I let him take over to which he starts to kiss me hungrily our lips moving in sync. I broke the kiss resting my forehead on his both out of breath. Sitting up I try to fix myself up.

"I'm a mess" I laugh trying to get my hair in place

"No you're perfect" said Asher slightly knocking our foreheads together

"I need to go to the bathroom and take a shower"

"I was thinking of ordering pizza if you're up for it?" Asher asks resting his hand on my thighs

"Sounds great but could we go to a pizzeria instead of ordering in it just tastes better straight out of the oven"

"Fine. I know this great pizzeria in town my family has been going there for years" he said with a smile

"I'll be ready in like half an hour is that OK?" I say getting up to go upstairs

"Take your time I'm not going anywhere"

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