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Oh and mild sexual content ahead basically PG-13 nothing too bad. ; )


"All set" Asher asked buckling my seat belt. I had just been discharged from the hospital and Asher was taking me home.

"I am capable of buckling my own seat belt Asher" I said narrowing my eyes at him. Since I had awoken from the coma Asher had been treating me like I was made of glass it was cute at first but now it was getting really annoying.

"I know" he said laughing and kissing the top of my nose causing me to smile.

"Dammit that always gets me" I let out a frustrated laugh

"Ready to go home" he said starting the car

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said excitedly these past few days in the hospital had been really suffocating for me.

"You sure your mom and dad will be OK staying at my parents house you can call them and tell them to stay with us if they want" said Asher

"No I told them but they were adament on staying with your parents saying they wanted to get to know each other" I said looking out the window.

Asher pulled into the driveway I let out a gasp across the house was a big banner with "WELCOME BACK LUNA" written on it.

"You did this?" I asked Asher

"No I think the girls had something to do with it. Judy asked for the keys to the house yesterday saying she needed to get something for you" he replied

"I didn't ask for anything" I said

"Well now we know the culprit" Asher smiled

That wasn't the only thing the girls had apparently done when we opened the front door there was a trail of roses going from the front door up the stairs to the bedroom. The bedroom was made up like a honeymoon suite decorated with roses, dimly lit candles and there was even pink nonalcoholic champagne in an ice bucket.

"Do you think the girls convinced my parents to stay over at their house to give us some privacy?" I cringed at the thought

"I wouldn't say they aren't capable of such a feat" he said reaching out for my hand and pulling me closer to him.

"Spending a second without you here was torture for me" he said running the back of his fingertips on the side of my face. I closed my eyes enjoying his touch.

"I'm sorry I doubted you Isla. Those things I told you at the cottage I was blind with rage I didn't mean any of it. I know I hurt you and for that I'm so sorry" Asher apologized. I opened my mouth to say something but Asher continued.

"I'm nothing without you Isla. You're my life, the soul in my body without you there is nothing but darkness.." Asher started to say but I put my hand over his mouth stopping him

"We" I corrected him "we are nothing without each other. We make each other complete and whole. Isla will always be Asher's and Asher will always be Isla's" I said crashing my lips against his he returned the kiss with equal intensity. I wrapped my legs around his waist and Asher laid me down on the bed not breaking our kiss for even a second.

"MINE" Asher possessively said between kisses

"All yours" I replied he playfully nipped my ear causing me to gasp.

"Are you sure about this?" Asher asked looking at me intently

"As I said I'm all yours" I smiled he moved in closer trying to start things up again "but there's one thing I think you need to know" I stopped him biting my lip

"What?" He asked

"I haven't actually ever" I started to say

"You're a virgin" he interrupted me I just nodded blushing in the process.

"You really are mine" Asher looked at me with a huge smile

"Well you have to thank my wolf for that" I admitted

"Oh I'll be thanking her very soon but first let me take care of her human counterpart" he said moving closer again.

Perfect. That's how I'd describe being with Asher was like. Laying there under the covers with his head on my stomach I ran my fingers in his hair. I playfully pinched his nose and his ears causing him to pick me up with a growl and with that it started all over again. I didn't realize when the sun came up and neither did I care. I collapsed with exhaustion soon after sleep taking over as soon as my head hit the pillow.

We woke up sometime late in the afternoon Asher offered to make us breakfast.

"You are not getting near the stove" I warned. I was wearing one of his shirts which fell to my knees while he was just wearing a pair of sweatpants.

"Why not?" He whined like a little kid

"Because I've already been poisoned once I'm making us pancakes and that's it" I demand

"Why pancakes?" He asked resting his head on my shoulders as I prepared the batter

"Pancakes are like the top five foods you have after sex" I explain

"For a virgin you sure know a lot about after sex foods" he said putting a handful of chocolate chips in his mouth.

"I watch a lot of movies and TV shows plus I was a virgin you took care of that remember" I remind him bumping my head with his.

"Can't say maybe I need something to refresh my memory" he said placing kisses on my neck.

"Nice try" I said moving away "we have to go to your parents house and I want to go without reeking like I have been banged four times last night"

"Five if you count the.." Asher started but I stopped him putting my index finger over his mouth

"It's already three in the afternoon I want to be there by five now stop distracting me"

"They'll know anyway" Asher tried to convince me again

"Well at least it will be subtle and not so in their face if I shower and scrub some of your scent away" I said laying the pancakes on a plate and handing them to Asher to place on the table.

"You're no fun you know that" he said crossing his arms

"So I'm told" I said moving towards him and placing a small kiss on his lips "come on I'm starving" I pulled him reluctantly towards the table.

"This one ok?" I asked Asher wearing a white summer dress that had a blue floral design it looked really good on me and I liked the length just covering my knees slightly but it was a bit tight around the chest area.

"It's fine you've already changed three times and it's not easy seeing you undress in front of me and I don't think I'll be able to control myself this time. Just saying" he said putting up his hands in the air.

"Fine I just need to wear my heels" I said picking them up.

"You can wear them in the car" said Asher picking me up bridal style.

"You just need an excuse to carry me don't you" I said folding my arms "Such a.."

"Cliché I know" Asher rolled his eyes

"Well you are" I huffed

"Yours" he added

"What?" I asked not paying attention

"I'm yours" he explained causing me to smile

"You got that right" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

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