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I stirred expecting to rub up against the hard leather seat of a car instead my back was touching something soft and straight. Opening my eyes slowly I realized I wasn't in the car anymore but infact in a massive room thrice as big as my room back home.

Everything about the room big for starters the bed was huge, across the room on the wall was a 65" flat screen TV, infront of it were three beige couches, a bathroom that was the size of my old room, the room also had a huge glass window which opened leading to a grand balcony. As I looked out I could see pack guards circling the grounds which was strange because back at the Red Moon Pack that only happened when the pack was on high alert.

I shrugged it off and picked up my towel to take shower and freshen up.

With my towel wrapped around me I picked out some clothes to wear it was warmer here than home so I chose some short jeans, a white crochet top, a purple tank top to wear underneath and some white vans. I started to look around for my phone but couldn't find it distinctly remembering that I had it in my back pocket last night but it wasn't there in the morning so I looked under the bed and around the room to see if it fell out somewhere. I thought it would be best if I asked someone downstairs or sent them to search the car.

I really needed to talk to Mason to check if he was ok and to hear his voice. I looked around downstairs
while there were almost fifteen werewolves walking around outside the house no one seemed to be home but the house was so huge you couldn't even tell. I was lost for a while before I found the kitchen. The cabinets and fridge were stocked with food but I thought a quick breakfast would be best so I poured some milk and cereal in a bowl.

I ventured out of the kitchen again to find someone to find my phone. I came across a hall of sorts with a glass roof I was walking and looking up at the roof when I bumped into something hard.

"Hey there" said Jason awkwardly helping me steady myself.

"Oh hi Jason" I smiled back

"How are you today? Last night you were out like a light" he said with a small chuckle

"Yeah about that my phone was in my back pocket have you by any chance seen it or maybe it fell in the car? " I asked. My question seemed to be making him nervous because he started fidgeting with the file he was holding and couldn't seem to stop moving.

"Umm.. phone. Your phone. Last night. Can't say. Can't say I've seen it.. no. Nope. Haven't seen it" he said nervously looking here and there but not directly at me. I raised an eyebrow at his behavior something was off. Before I could ask again someone coughed behind us turning around I saw that it was Asher. Meeting his gaze always made my heart beat faster I didn't like it but I couldn't control it. I looked away but his gaze was still firm on me. He walked towards us and before I could realize what was happening Asher held me by my arm and maneuvered me so I was behind him blocked from Jason's view. My mouth almost fell to the floor who does he think he is and he seemed completely unaffected like he had swatted away a fly or something.

"I asked for that file fifteen minutes ago Jason" he asked him like I wasn't even there.

"I'm sorry for the delay Alpha Isla here had some questions" said Jason. Atleast he remembered I still existed.

"Luna" said Asher looking through the file

"Uh sorry I didn't get you Alpha" asked Jason

Closing the file with a loud snap Asher moved forward staring him down.

"From today on you will be referring to her as your luna and give her so much as a side stare I will personally beat you to a pulp. Understood" commanded Asher

"Yes Alpha understood completely" replied Jason with his gaze to the ground

"Alright then you may leave" said Asher referring to Jason

"Umm there's still the issue of my phone being lost" I said poking my head behind Asher

"Ah yes. Get your luna a new phone with a private number" said Asher

"I don't need a new phone I just need my old one back" I demanded. I knew that by new number he meant a number that he could screen every number and text that came and was sent to my phone. Something that he couldn't do with my old phone.

Asher turned around to face me I averted my gaze not wanting my heart to beat uncontrollably again.

"Your old phone broke" he said in a normal tone

"What?!" I exclaimed looking straight at him not caring if I had a heart attack in the process.

"Last night when I was carrying you to my room"

"You were carrying me!"

"Yes who do you expect. I wasn't going to let anyone else touch you" he said with a slight growl "so as I was saying I was carrying you and it fell from your pocket and broke" he didn't even wait for my answer and dismissed Jason. "If you need anything else I'll be in my office"

"Why did you do that?" I asked with my arms crossed

"Do what?" He asked with a confused expression

"Oh I don't know pull me behind you then scream at Jason for doing practically nothing he just called me by my name" I said with a glare.

"You are my mate" he said this taking a step closer to me unknowingly I took a step back "And this pack's luna" he took another step forward and I took another one back "so they will treat you with respect and keep their gaze off of what is mine" he stopped for an answer probably was waiting for me to say something like "Yes sir" like Jason had but I wasn't one to be pushed around.

"Yeah we had a luna back at our pack and things were a little different" I said narrowing my eyes

"Really how?" He asked in a mocking tone.

"Well there were no death threats for 'gazing' at the luna" I said using airquotes for the word gazing.

"Huh. Guess the luna at your old pack wasn't as beautiful as you" he said with a wink before retreating back into his office. Leaving me stunned and speechless.

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