22.5 (Mason POV)

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Hey Guys. Whoa we're a growing family here almost 18k who would've thought. I remember screaming up and down when the book hit 1k and now the first chapter has 1k by itself. It seems weird that something that lived in your imagination is now a part of so many people's lives. My mind is blown beyond proportions. I could go on and on about this but I have to get to the point. I think Mason's voice was never heard in this book and I don't think I can do it for every chapter but he needed one for this one. The one where his heart was broken so I might be like 17.9k views and almost a year late but as they say better late than never. So I'm going to stop boring you and begin with the story.

Mason POV (just so you skipped the title of the chapter and my lengthy side note)

"I'm sorry Mason" I hear Isla cry over the phone. My heart sinks I knew this was coming I could feel it but I didn't want to accept it. Even as it became more and more obvious that I was loosing her I just kept holding onto every last thread of hope I had for her. I remain silent as I hear her sob. I couldn't stand her being unhappy all these years I always did what she wanted, went out of my way to put a smile on her face only so I wouldn't see a hint of sadness in her eyes. I decide to put aside my own pain I could handle it but I couldn't handle her being unhappy.

"It's OK Isla" I manage to say but she knows me well probably seeing through it.

"No its not it's all my fault" she says sobbing even more.

"I'm so sorry" I hear her whisper it again.

I close my eyes trying to force myself not to feel and not let these tears that are dangerously close to spilling. Come on dude I say to myself in my mind do it for her. I take a deep breath and steady myself it's time I faced this and stop hiding.

"Isla if you're happy with him I don't think you should stop yourself because of me" I try to console her but my voice constrains giving away my pain "I love you and always will but I'm done fighting we were never meant to be maybe it's for the best you move on"

"Mason I tried to fight it but I just" Isla starts to say but I stop her.

"No don't Isla. I know you tried to keep us alive till the end but we were fighting a losing battle from day one we knew but we were too stubborn to admit it" I admitted.

"Yeah we were really dumb weren't we" She sighs

"Hey any ugly she-wolves there I've been to four packs yet to find one" I joke trying to bring a smile to her face while I'm breaking inside. Hopefully she doesn't realise it.

"There are no ugly she-wolves Mason you're mate is going to be a killer and she'll make you forget I exist" She says back

"I highly doubt that" I whispered

"Beta Mason the alpha wants to have a word" Alpha Declan's secretary says coming up to me.

"I'll be there in just a minute" I say to her.

"I have to go Isla"

"I know I heard best of luck with the treaty"

"OK. Goodbye Isla"

"Goodbye Mason" I hang up the phone looking down towards it for a good while before coughing shaking my head slightly to focus on the job ahead of me.

I manage to go through the meeting without falling apart and thankfully Alpha Declan made it easy for me by signing the treaty without negotiating any of the terms.

"Thank you Alpha. I'll be on my way now" I say to Alpha Declan after the meeting.

"Stay the night Mason. It'll be dark soon and it might be dangerous for you to go alone" Declan said still holding my hand genuinely meaning it.

"I'll be fine Alpha" I reassure him "I need to go home"

"Fine I won't make you stay but reconsider my offer" he says taking back his seat behind his desk.

"Thank you again Alpha and Goodbye" I say before leaving his office making my way to my car.

As I exit Declan's pack, I turn up the music as loud as I can trying to drown myself in the rhythm of the music so I don't think about anything else or anyone else. But even after that Isla manages to creep into my mind old memories come to me of a time when all we knew was each other. When I've finished more than half the journey I sense my phone vibrate. Cursing my werewolf sense I connect the phone to car speaker. I hate being a werewolf at that moment had I been a human Isla and I could have been together without all this Mate nonsense. Derek's name flashes on the screen I touch the green button on my steering wheel to pick up the phone.

"Hey bro how did it go?" Derek asks

"Good I've got the treaty with me. I'm on my way back home" I reply dryly.

"Whoa! Someone is in a bad mood. Something happen?" He asks seeming worried. I grit my teeth anger rising inside of me.

"Did something happen" I mutter to myself angrily he has the audacity to ask.

"Uh Mason?" Derek says clearly confused.

"You won. Happy!" I yell angrily "you, Alpha Xavier, my dad, Isla's dad that that" I try to say Asher's name but I'm not able to spit it out "you all won. You finally got what you wanted"

"Mason you knew this was bound to happen one day" Derek reasoned.

"Listen I'm only an hour away so I'll see you tomorrow morning to brief you on all the treaties" I say thinking it's best I hang up I'm dangerously angry and I don't want to say something I'll regret later.

"Hey hey wait up" yells Derek as my finger moves towards the button to hang up "I'll be awake come over we'll just talk not as Alpha and Beta but as friends"

"Ok" he says making sure if I heard it.

"Yeah I'll come over" I say dryly the anger still present.

"Fine I've already mindlinked the border patrol so you don't have to" Derek said "just come straight here alright"

"Ok bye" I said wanting to end this conversation now.

"Bye" I hear him say as I hang up.

I decide to focus on driving and just on getting home. I started to feel suffocated in this car. I see a couple of headlights in the rear view mirror which is strange as cars rarely go this way this late at night. I step on the gas going faster just to be sure. I see the cars behind me also going faster that's when I realise they're most probably here for me. Going as fast as I can to try to get rid of them I'm blind sided when I see two jeeps blocking the road. Swerving the car as quickly as I could I crash head on into a large tree. If I were a human I'd been long dead by the force of the crash but because of my werewolf strength I just have a deep scar above my eyebrow that's already healing. Slightly shaken I get out of the car to face the people who were following me, rogues. Four of them were in their wolf forms will a two watched from a far. I could've mindlinked Derek at this point but my rage took over and I decided to use all my anger against them. I shifted instantly as one them attacked. I killed him immediately without even blinking the next also fell to the ground as I snapped his neck. I was about to lunge towards the third when I felt something prick my neck feeling limb I saw myself shifting back involuntarily.

"His wolf is in control" one of the rogues who hadn't shifting said he was holding a gun of sorts probably the one that shot the dart in my neck. "Tie him up and put him in the trunk we're going after his girlfriend next"

Girlfriend? Isla they're going after Isla. Wolf or no wolf I wasn't going to let that happen I attack the rogue who grabbed me punching him in the face. I didn't do much damage but I did tick him off and he went on to pummel to me a pulp while I could do nothing.

"Benji! Stand down" ordered the older rogue. "We need him alive. For now at least"

"The little.." Benji uttered under his breath kicking me in the stomach "give me the syringe"

I lay there motionless already on the verge of unconsciousness when I felt the syringe go into my neck. I prayed that somehow they don't get to Isla before descending into darkness.

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