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I run into the woods without another look back to the school. "Keep going! Keep going!" urged Anthony, "I'm right behind you, don't you turn back". I nod as my heart pounds. We run and run as far as our feet could take us, until I trip. "Omphhh!" I land in a mud puddle, and jeans are ripping. "Come on, come on" Anthony lifts me up, but stops, "what's that sound?" I whisper, "shush Bloom" he mouths. We stand still in the mud puddle, I cock my head toward the thick brush and trees, my eyes get wide, " its an Xeonia vampire!" I scream and stumble backwards as it jumps out of the bushes.

Anthony's eyes widen as he grabs my hand, pulls me up and helps me run. We run even more faster than we had before, the thing hisses after us as we ran. "Bloom keep going" he stops, but I immediately stop as well, "no! come with me don't just-","somebody needs to stay behind and distract the thing","no! Anthony". He shakes his head and pushes me away, "keep on running and don't turn back" he throws me the heart locket he had given me back then before this mess, I catch it. "Now run!", "but-","RUN!" he again pushes me forward to run, and this time I do start run.

I run like I've never done before while tears spilled, my breath heavy. I trip again, but this time on some roots of a tree, I hit my head and my vision blurs. "No...." I touch my head and feel something liquidy on my finger tips, my hands tremble. More tears spilled as I see the blood on them. I drag my body up against the tree and bring my bleeding knees towards me, realizing my foot also hurts. "Damn it" I mutter, "I can't run like this now" I look at my muddy body and shake my head.

I stop breathing heavily as I peek behind the giant oak tree. A few feet behind the tree the Xeonia was sniffling the air, and then licked its' lips. Rain began to pour, and I sniffed as I closed my eyes and prayed it wouldn't find me. I look down and saw that the water droplets were making my blood go down my body onto the mud around me, I cuss. I check again and I don't see it, I sigh in relief. I lean back against the tree, my eyes widen. It was right in front of me.

Xeonia is a type of vampire that looks a like a thin skeleton, bald with long tongues. They only hunt magical creatures. "You thought you could get away from me?!" it hissed, "I can try" I mutter, "where's Anthony?","the boy, ah he wasn't worth my time" he laughs a chilling laugh, in a flash he was on its knees before me, it's sharp nails lifted my chin, "but oh, oh god you are" it licked my bleeding forehead, then backed up as I made a disgusted face and wiped away the horrible feeling of its' tongue on me. "Get away from me!" I cried, no tears spilling, he probably killed Anthony, Anthony my love, Anthony that sacrificed himself for me.....he will pay.

I use the oak tree to support my body as I stood up slowly. It laughs, "how are you going to stop me" it snarled, I close my eyes, breathing heavily, I mutter, "with this!" I throw the fireball I had created and blasted it at it. "Eek!" it yelled and in a flash moved out of the away from me, then laughed, "you think your little spells will stop me?! Your wrong" it lunged at me, and I managed to roll out of its way. "Ouch!" it hurts so much, my body stumbles and I end up in the ground, I can't stand. "Your weak" it hisses as it circles me, "your blood is delicious" it licks it's lips, "I can't wait any longer!" it lunges again, I kick it off me and crawl away, but it grabs my feet and throws me, slamming into the oak tree I had been leaning on.

"Ahhh!" I scream, and hunch up in a ball, too much blood.....I can't see anything, I can barely hear it laughing as it brought its' lips onto my neck, but I can't fight anymore.....I'm too eyes try to stay open, but I fall thump on the floor when someone, a dark figure to my eyes, throws the Xeonia off me, slamming it into a tree. The figure is a tall man, strongly built but that's all I can tell with my poor vision, my head is pounding and begging to let go. I claw the muddy ground, I can't breath. The figure returns and pulls me onto his lap, his eyes are a lovey honey color, so gentle....and loving.....

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