Chapter 28

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I was finally shutting down the engine after almost 24 hour drive. Two days ago I received a phone call from someone who I hadn't seen for a long while. The moment I heard her name I instantly remembered who she was. I never forgot. She was begging me to come see her. And I was so confused I was shaking. The feeling I never thought I'd feel again. All this time I thought she had forgotten all about me. I thought I made a good job in making her forget about me. She didn't say what happened, but she had told me it was important for her to see me again.

So now I stepped out my car. The it was a very cold afternoon and most of the things were covered in snow even though the sun was high. I went straight to the hospital. This is where she told me to go. I wonder what's her condition. There were people talking casually and making phone calls at the entrance. I took a deep breath, my hands started to shake again.

I quickly looked for the elevator and pressed fourth floor. When I got out, a man went in, tears fresh on his cheeks. I proceeded to look for the room number she told me. Standing in front of it, I noticed someone staring behind me. Before I knock, I looked back and saw a teenage girl with blonde hair. She smiled awkwardly as she approached me. She looked just like her, a carbon copy.

"Hi," she said politely wearing weary smile. "You must be Thyone?" she asked.

I nodded and returned her smile, "Yes. I came to see Perrie?"

"Yeah," She grabbed the door knob and walked inside. I didn't move yet when I heard her speak. "Mom, your friend is here." she then looked back at me, "Come in."

She let me walk inside and I saw a woman lying on the hospital bed. It was her. "Hey..." I said, almost whispering as I walked closer. "I'll leave you to it." The girl said and exited.

I gave her a smile with hands in my pocket. "What's up?"

Her eyes looked up, tears started swelling in her eyes. "Bunny..." her voice cracked as the tears roll down her face.

I gasped for air, stopping my self from breaking apart in front of her. She actually looked...alright... I was expecting to see her with cords attached to her body. But there was none. She laid there under the duvet, her hands draped on top of it. She was pale though, but her's still colorful, bright blue. Although a little less enthusiastic than I remember.

"Hey..." I said again cautiously, aware of my voice, trying my best not to break down. She prompted me to sit beside her and I did.

I studied her, she had some grey hairs, some wrinkles on her forehead. But she was still beautiful. "How are you?" I asked, watching her take my hand on top of her stomach.

"I'm dying."



It's been two weeks that I was alone during school days. Zoeey was really making me worried. Her phone was out of coverage. I went to her apartment and her roommate had no idea where she went. Everyone suspected her and Brad eloped because apparently, Brad never came to school again after he took Tiara. And their sudden disappearance made people jump into that conclusion. I groaned loudly as I threw my hardbound book in my locker due to frustration. There is so much trouble right now I couldn't even focus my head on only one. Arone has been gone for months too and the professor who took his place is a real sleaze ball! It's so hard to learn when he always finish his sentence with a dirty joke and I always walk out the room trying not to vomit.

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