Chapter 22

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Blow me Away


"I don't know Athan, it's been years since we've done this." Thyone cocked her head back to Athan after staring at the moon.

"Yeah. But I know I can still beat your ass." Athan smirked, taking off her jacket before throwing it on the ground.

"I'm gonna let you beat Thyone's ass then I'll be the one to finish you." Jareth ruffled her youngest sister's hair then started taking off his black shirt. Revealing his well toned flawless chest and 8 pack.

Thyone smirked, completely unimpressed while she unbuttoned her white polo, loosening its collar. "Just shut up and let's get this over with."

The three vampires kicked their shoes off and wiggled all the body accessories.

"Game," Said Athan with a grin on her face. Vividly remembering the last time her and Thyone had a sparing. A place almost identical to where they are now.

In a forest with a clearing, Thyone laid on the ground wounded while the wavy black marks surrounding all over her body crawl up her sleeves and neck hole as she return to stability. Athan on the other hand sat not too far from her sister. She was catching her breath but less wounded, couple of bruises on her face that are starting to heal.

Thyone had her semi-revamp while Athan remained on her normal state yet she still beat her sister. Although it was clear to her that once Thyone or any of her siblings had a full transition, she will definitely be a no match.

That's what's been missing from Athan. Her power.

Athan with full confidence smiled and asked the two, "Break a leg." then uttered under her breath, I mean it.

Three of them ran away from the center, which was the boulder, Autumn's 'throne'. They created a triangle while watching each other's impatient need to bring someone down.

Thyone made the first move, as usual. The ground beneath her cracked, pieces of soil flew backward from the impact of her feet. Athan and Jareth did the same. With inhumane speed, they collided in the air, 50 feet off the ground.

The trees made a wave like motion due to the bombing impact as they and went back flying to the ground. They attacked again without a plan. Athan jabbed Thyone's smug face while Jareth's heel collided with her face. Athan tumbled far from them but managed to land on her feet. Thyone took the opportunity and swung her feet and Jareth fell on his back. In a millisecond, she was on top of her brother, colliding her knuckles with his face. After doing so, Athan was quickly back in the game. Clasping her palms and wrapping her fingers, she forcefully smashed Thyone's back making her fall straight on Jareth. But Jareth immediately positioned to a chinese get up and kicked Thyone up in the air and in avoidance Athan jumped high as well. As they were in mid air, Athan attempted to hit her sister again, Jareth kicked himself up with them and his fist smashed Athan's chin, sending her higher. Thyone regained her posture and swiftly kicked her brother's shoulder to catch up to Athan.

The three of them floated in the air under the crescent moon like a paper boat about to sink.

With building anger, Thyone twisted before landing a bone-wrecking punch in Athan's gut. Sending her back to the ground, trees came to rest as her body slammed against them.

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