Chapter 17

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In a distance not too far from Maliard, a boy was being held by his neck and pinned against the dirty wall of an abandoned building. He couldn't defend himself for the person that he was face to face with is a Noble Pioneer.

Strongest and fastest of all vampires.

The man's face was being covered by his hood and thick navy blue scarf. His voice were pant-pissing and stern as he spoke. "I do not like taking over someone else's job. But your dirty deeds of feeding on innocent women provoked me."

The boy pleaded, squirming. "Please. Please, I'm sorry."

The man smirked and tightened his grip around the boy's neck. "Unless you can bring their lives back, I am sorry too."

"You are not worthy of this immortality and power."

Across the street, a by passer stopped in front of the same dark ally that was between two empty establishment when he heard and agonizing scream. He adjusted his eyes to the dark as he tried to see what was going on in the ally.

To his surprise, a tall man showed up. His face was immediately revealed when he removed his hood. Thick brows, tan skin, well defined jaw line and eyes of a dangerous person. It was a very light shade of blue as if it was glowing

The man who seems to be a model of Tom Ford looked up the sky causing the curious one to do so as well.

When all he saw was a dark starry night, he averted his eyes back to where he can see the man again. But to his dismay, no one was there anymore.


After the weekend spent with Sandra, Kyle, Arone and another week of school and projects, the troop decided to have a little 'party'.

It was originally planned by Thyone to score another goal to her workaholic officer "girlfriend". Thyone didn't want to take it to the next level even if it was obvious Gian was looking forward to give them a go and label it. She wanted to rush things but the player still wants to continue playing.

Thyone bought a lot of liquor to make sure all of us will get wasted, specially Gian. While I sat in their couch waiting for the nachos Athan was preparing, Thyone and Gian from upstairs kept on making sex noise.

I feel really awkward. Not because Gian was such a loud moaner, or cos Thyone was doing something great with her, it's because I keep thinking about Athan. Athan and I doing it as well. My mind wonders as to how good will she be. And how fascinating her naked body will feel against mine. Will I be screaming like Gian? If that so, I can't wait. I have high expectations for vampires especially with their endurance. I mean. . . Athan is a really good kisser.

I was pulled out from my inappropriate daydream when my sexy Athan called my name. "Autumn. You alright?" She was leaning her elbow against the divider of the kitchen. Blushing.

"Oh. Yeah. Yeah." I hope she wasn't listening to my heart. I told her not to do that because it's embarrassing when she knows what I'm feeling inside. "How's the food?

There was another pleased scream coming from Thyone's room. "Oh yes. Yes. Yes. You're so deep master! Fuck!"

I gulped and grimaced waiting for her answer but instead she said. "I know you're uncomfortable."

I shook my head no. "I'm fine. . . I'm sure they're almost done. It's been hours, and Zoeey and is on their way."

Yep, they're coming. Athan wanted me to invite them so she and Zoeey can be more acquainted because Zoeey is basically the only one I'm close with except the vampire sisters.

Hereafter (GxG) editingWhere stories live. Discover now