Part Two: Chapter 6

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My whole body was quaking at the same time I couldn't get to calm my head. Waves of thoughts were drowning me. I was not sure where I was. I wanted to sleep but my mind wouldn't shut up. I was hungry. I couldn't remember when I even fell as sleep in this place. . .where was that place? I couldn't see much.

Just then when I plan to prop myself up, the back door of the car swung open behind me. I turned my head around to see Eight. She was getting me out of the car. But then I remember. . .I was here because she made me unconscious. Or was it her? Damn. Was it One? I am never smoking pot again.

I was trying to get her hands off me so I can run away but I was pretty much drunk and wasted. I slurred. "Don't fucking touch me you killer. I'm calling 911 right now!!!"

And then it came to me. . . That's why, I caught them red handed! I immediately tried to reach for my phone but it wasn't in my pocket. Still struggling, I didn't notice I was already inside my apartment. How did they know where I live!?

"Help!!!" I screamed for my life but the three of us were locked in my room. Eight let me go and I was having a hard time standing in the center of my room. I looked around to get something hard or pointy but didn't find anything useful. I saw the window and decided to jump out. It might kill me. It might not. Besides, sometimes when I look down the gutter, it seems to be as soft as a cotton candy. Wonder how it tastes like. Was it sweet?

Running to the window, One stopped me and pulled me back like I wasn't even trying to escape. She shushed me.

"Good night. . ." She smiled cockily and brought me up her arms and quickly placed me on my bed.

I should be afraid of them. I have to get away.

Before I can move another muscle, I heard One's voice again. "Just lay still. . . And go to sleep. We'll see you soon." She brushed my hair and I saw Eight beyond her, watching us.

I was not sleepy but I felt like closing my eyes.

On the same side of my bed I awoke. I instantly sat up and panicked, "They're coming for me."

Standing up, I scanned the room for my phone. Wait what if they took it!? Aha!

I saw it lying on my dresser across the room. Quickly, I ran for it. Passing the large mirror, I stopped. . . I didn't wearing pajamas when I went to the party didn't I? Then I darted my eyes to my wall clock and looked for the date. It was Wednesday. And the party was Friday.

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