Chapter 8

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II could faintly feel my hands scrapping the sheets of my bed. My dreams were same with the last. I've been stabbed and felt my spinal break as I collapse in the dirt, my face hitting it first.

Yelping for dear life, my eyes opened. The ceiling greeted me. My body was trembling from the horrible dream of being killed. What does that even mean? I managed to wipe the sweat on my forehead, breathing deeply to stabilize my heart beat.

After all that, I hurried to the shower and got dressed because I overslept again. Nightmares are so demanding, taking all my time and ish. I ran to the nearest Starbucks to grab my coffee cos I'm feeling lazy to make my own then immediately hailed a cab. While inside, I texted Zoeey. She told me she's already in class and was about to start. I panicked a little for I don't really plan to be late. I'm almost never late!

I let the driver keep the change as I jumped out hastily. Letting the security check my bag, I ran towards my department building at the same time trying not to spill my coffee. I reached the hallway where my class should be and when I peeked inside. Voila! The professor was already standing in the middle. When he noticed some students were looking at the door, at me, he said. "Come in."

I huffed and thanked him and sat straight beside Zoeey.

The whole class was a bore but since I've been faking to love school my entire life, this shouldn't be such a burden. I've been trying to focus on the lesson but Eight keeps popping into my mind. I feel so guilty I didn't thank her for being there at least. I mean, I don't know how exactly they helped me but I'm sure they did. The interrogation is a definite fuck up, even a 10 year old would declare me guilty. Except if Mr. Walter was with them? But no... He was so intense during the questioning...

Considering after our class of seven to nine, it will be a two hour vacant. Walking out the room, I asked. "Zoe, I'm going to visit Eight and One. You coming?"

I literally begged Zoeey's boyfriend Brad to see if either One or Eight showed up in school today. He told me that according to his mates, none of the two is seen to be in school premises today. Again. Well yesterday I saw One; I just sort of ignored her because I wasn't sure what to say and how to say it. But Eight. . .

"Shoot. I'd like to. But Brad and I are supposed to eat somewhere. Sorry.." She pouted, squeezing my hand.

Smiling, I patted her back playfully. "Don't be silly. It's okay! Go ahead."

We made a short bye-bye's with our hands and she went further in the department while I find my way out.


"Oh shit, it's you." One greeted me with her smile a little bit worried.

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