Chapter 24

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I walked through the front door, my ears was greeted by a booming sound coming from the amplifier. Thyone decided to throw a party adding that she will be making a lot of filthy money. I didn't really asked the notorious stud about what she meant.

I had also finally managed to talk to Zoeey about the two of them before arriving. She broke down crying and apologizing to me. I told her that she didn't have to ask for my forgiveness and advised her it's better if she ended the thing going on between her and Thyone. Zoeey said she couldn't and felt a strong attachment to Tay already... And I don't really know what to do... I also don't think I can look at Gian without feeling guilt sweeping me off.

Instead, I just told her that I'm still her friend and she can run up to me whenever. I also told her the possible consequences if their affair reach Gian. She'd probably find a way to get her in jail...or maybe not. Also might kick her ass to the point she'll have a phobia of being touched.

Seeing Thyone's back from the kitchen, I proceeded to her. I heard them talking so I decided to walk slowly, not wanting to interrupt the what seems to be serious conversation.

"I'm voting that you should tell Autty. Like ASAP." It was Lio's voice and I was almost standing behind Thyone who chugs down her beer. Like they get intoxicated with that...

"I don't know... I don't know how she's gonna react." Athan said. Finally I saw them. Athan was sitting on the counter, swinging her legs while Lio was leaning on his elbow.

Thyone snapped her head and looked at me. "Look, speaking of the devil."

Athan looked at me, her face was surprised while Lio smiled and walked towards me. I dropped a question for everyone, "Tell me what?" I made an innocent smile and welcomed Lio's side hug.

"Hey Aut..." He gave a weak smile. "We'll just start to arrange the snacks for tonight."

I let him go and Thyone blurted. "Yeah, bail."

Once they both left and it's just me and Athan in the kitchen, I gave her an inquiring smile. I settled myself between her legs and squeezed her thighs.

Honestly, since the night we slept, we've grown more attached, inseparable. I loved her even more. I had more reason to miss her every second.

"Hey babe." I give her cheek a quick kiss before locking my eyes with her green ones. "What's the matter?"

Athan gave me a weak smile and tried to slip out the upcoming confrontation of what I heard a while back. "Where's Zoeey? Have you talked to her about what happened?"

I nodded, "Yeah and we're good. She said she's not going to avoid us anymore."

Athan smiled and before she can bring up another subject, I pried. "Athan... I heard you have something to tell me?"

I heard her sigh. Looking at everywhere except my face, which I'm really not in favor of, she massaged my hand. "Autumn... Just know that I love you, so much... You just need to trust me."

I moved my face closer to her so she's looking at me. "Hey.. What is this about? You can tell me."

My beautiful vampire sighed again, "It's very complicated. And nothing is sure yet."

I hummed and nodded, "It's okay, you can trust me..." Then couple scenarios popped in to my mind. "Are you.. Going away? In danger?.."

Athan caressed my face with her thumb. "I am... Sort of going away..."

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