Chapter 2

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"Why do you look like Eight's hair?" Autumn grunted, holding the cup of coffee close to her face. Even right after she arrived in her apartment after uni, she couldn't shake the thought of her. . .Eight. Transferring the ridiculousness she feels unto the coffee, she sniffed it and smirked. "But you don't smell like her. Not one bit." She took a little sip, before standing up and heading to the two door fridge. "That's a good thing though."

Autumn constantly tried to make conversation with a coffee mug until she gave up and took out a sandwich. Thanks to Kyle, it was because of him her food storage is filled with new and fresh goods. She also took notice of how neat her place is. Spotless. It wasn't girly though, just how she wants it to be. Kyle knows her too well that she'd flip if he followed his personal calling of flowers and cute puppies displayed on every corner. He made it perfect for his little spoiled nineteen year old sister.

After taking a quick bath and showering herself with cologne, she jumped on her attire of the day. Sexy tank top underneath her H&M men's cardigan, matched with black leggings and Converse. She grabbed her handbag and was ready to go, but before leaving the mirror, Autumn brushed her hair a little to unflatten it. Today, she chose not to bother fixing her hair, letting her natural waves take over which actually still looks good on her.

It was still early for her to be at uni for the reason that her class won't start until twelve noon and it's still as early as nine in the morning. But, coming early is actually appropriate for she planned to give her new school a little tour. While Autumn's still walking, she decided to get her phone and have a little conversation with Zoeey. She did not tell her what happened yesterday though. Simple as because she wasn't comfortable opening up just yet. Or because messaging won't be expressive enough. Autumn touched down the University whilst texting Zoeey. She then asked where the library was located and her friend immediately sent the instructions.

Following the texted route to the library, she assumed she got lost. Because honestly, Collinscean U. is an enormous place. It's difficult used to and remember each hall leading somewhere. She then flooded Zoeey with texts, after 3 minutes of being unresponsive, Autumn was left with no choice but to ask someone for help. She already lost fifteen minutes of walking, going in circles. She just want to visit the library.

Without much concern, she approached the first guy she saw who was standing in front of the University's bulletin board and patted his shoulder. "Excuse me. Can you tell me where's the library?"

The tall slim guy turned around. He's wearing cute little reading glasses,  blue cerulean eyes and flushed lips with bonus of golden soft hair. Long story short, handsome nerd. He smiled at Autumn and muttered with confidence, "Sure,"

They started to walk when the guy inquired a little, "You're a freshman?"

"Yeah. How about you?" Autumn had to look up for he's few inches taller.

"Senior." He smiled as Autumn nodded. He held out his hands to her while they were walking. "My name's One."

Involuntarily, his name sent Autumn's brows to rise. "I'm Autumn." She chuckled and One asked why. "Nothing, it just makes me wonder. Are numerical names the trend here? Like can I be called Two? Are there others? But is number two still available though? "

One couldn't prevent himself from chuckling, "You can only wish there's more of us. And yeah, I can call you a number too, Two."


As both their walls start to lower in each other's company, they soon arrived in front of the library. One stood right in front of her, smiling. " So, need a reading buddy?"

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