Chapter 21

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(I suggest its better to read with the song ^ playing =)



"Aren't you feeling tired yet?" Athan asked her while sitting beside Autumn above the boulder.

Autumn smiled, shaking her head. She was appreciating the night sky. "Not one bit. I have a completely different feeling." she snapped her head to look at Athan, just to see that Athan was already staring at her, smiling. "How about you?"

Athan just smirked, "Far from that. But the others decided to go home. You meditated for 4 hours! Didn't it make your butt feel numb?" she giggled.

Autumn gave it a second thought, feeling her butt. "Well, now that you mention it, yeah a little." she leaned back and rested her head on Athan's shoulder.

"Do you wanna go home?"

"No, do you?" She returned the question, playing with the vampire's fingers.

"No. I like the feeling of being here with you. . ." Athan expressed, feeling a little giddy.

"Then let's stay for a while. . . I actually feel rejuvenated just sitting here for hours. I kinda feel like it's my throne." They both giggled. Autumn looked around. "This place, this feeling. It's so new. So special. . . I can't even explain it."

Suddenly, Athan got an idea. "Do you want to go somewhere that will make you feel incredible?"

Autumn looked at her, "Sure."

Athan slowly jumped down and offered her hand to Autumn. "Come, ride on my back."

Hesitantly, Autumn did as told. She jumped on Athan's back, playfully hopping to give her a hard time carrying her but failed. "I'm taking you up there." Athan pointed to the alps. "You're going to love it there."

Autumn's eyes widened. "Wait-what? Aren't animals out theeeeeeere?!" she screamed as Athan swiftly ran towards the alps off guard. "Hold tight beautiful!" she shouted back, one of her hand holding Autumn in place while the other slapping branches that are on the way.

Autumn wanted to close her eyes but the feeling was so surreal. They were going so fast she could barely believe it. But it was happening. She hugged Athan tighter as they started to jump to higher terrain. They were both enjoying the feeling of being together alone and free.

They reached the peak in two minutes safe and sound. Athan let her jump down, shrugging some wood threads off her jacket.

Autumn was amazed, looking at the far illuminating city lights. "Wow. . ." she whispered, seeing her breath in the cold wind. "Athan. . ."

"Yeah?" She walked beside Autumn who's standing close to the edge.

"I could live here forever. . . I love this. It's is such a beautiful view."

"I couldn't agree more..."

When she turn, she caught Athan staring at her again, making her blush. "Oh stop it." Autumn said sweetly.

"What?" she raised her brow smirking.

"Staring. . ."

Athan moved closer, "Why? You're beautiful. . ."

Autumn felt her tummy become overloaded with butterflies. As Athan was about to kiss her, she turned away, playfully leaving the vampire hanging.

"Let's dance!" Autumn fished her phone in her pocket.

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