Our Everlasting Melody (33)

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I was able to leave the hospital the next day, and then go back to school on Monday. It was a little difficult, going back to the place where the person that hit me could have been. I didn't want to think that way, but I just couldn't help but do so.

"Hey," Blake smiled at me as we made our way through the parking lot and towards the front of the school. "Don't worry, okay? You've got me to protect you."

I knew I did, and I was the luckiest girl in the world because of it. How I ever let him go was beyond me.

As we got closer to the front of the school, I slipped my hand into Blake's. He gave me a look that asked if I was sure about this, and I smiled and nodded. I hadn't ever been so sure of anything in my entire life.

As soon as we entered the school, almost everyone stared at us. A few girls looked very displeased, and I knew it was because they had been pining after Blake for some time. Too bad they didn't care about him before he was popular.

"Leah, I'm so glad you're okay!" a random girl suddenly said to me as Blake and I continued to make our way down the hall. "When I heard that you got hit by a car, I was afraid you wouldn't make it!"

"Thank you," I simply thanked with a smile, since there wasn't anything else I could have said to her.

I was stopped by multiple people as we continued down the hall, and it was strange. I had gotten so used to people hating me that it was still weird that everyone liked me again. I didn't really know how I was supposed to handle it.

We didn't see any of our friends before school, so I knew lunch would be the best time to tell them all that Blake and I were back together. We would all be together, so they'd all get to find out at the same time.

Blake and I approached our usual table, hand-in-hand. To tell you the truth, I actually was a little nervous about them seeing us. I didn't know what reactions they were going to have. But I wasn't going to let what other people think influence me anymore.

Mona wasn't at the table, but I wasn't expecting her to be. After seeing Blake and me dance at the prom, I was sure she realized that she had lost. Blake loved me and not her.

Cassie was the first one that saw us, and that was what I had wanted. She stared at our interlocked fingers for a moment, as if trying to process the sight in front of her. She didn't seem to know what she was supposed to do.

"You... you two..." was all she was able to utter, still just staring at us.

"Yes," I nodded, my grip on Blake's hand tightening as I turned my head to smile at him. "We're back together."

Thomas and Derrick were both smiling at me, and I couldn't help but smile back at them. Even Christian was smiling. Everyone else at the table looked shocked, but not as shocked as Cassie. She looked like she couldn't even fathom what was going on.

"About time," Derrick muttered as Blake and I took a seat.

Cassie nearly fell out of her chair. "You knew about this?"

Derrick merely shrugged. "Yeah."

"I knew, too," Thomas chimed in with a grin, and Cassie looked like she was going to faint. Jane gave her boyfriend a look on confusion. "I've known for quite a while."

"Quite a while?" Cassie now squawked, flailing her arms now. "What do you mean, quite a while? How long has this been going on?"

Thomas gave me a look, as if asking if it was okay to tell Cassie about everything that had been going on behind her back for months. I shook my head, not allowing him to tell her. Because I wanted to.

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