Our Everlasting Melody (23)

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Weird things had been happening in the two months following Blake's and my breakup.

First, Blake rarely ever sat with us at lunch anymore. Instead, he sat with the football players. But it wasn't like I was complaining about that. The less I saw him, the less everything hurt. So I preferred he sit with someone else.

Mona continued to sit with us, since she wasn't a football player or a cheerleader. As much as I hated that, I was going to have to deal with it. I just pretended like she wasn't even there, and it was a lot easier when she wasn't around Blake.

But then there were times when she would talk about him, and I found that very difficult to tune out. She would tell Cassie or Jane about the time she spent with him, and I would angrily try to ignore it. I was surprised that no one seemed to notice how much it bothered me.

But I was surprised that Blake still chose to spend time with Mona. Of course, I had no right to stop him now that we were no longer dating, but it still annoyed me. Especially after he'd told me how he'd never talk to her again if I continued dating him.

When I saw him around campus, he was always talking to a different person, have it be a guy or a girl. He was smiling and laughing, and looking like nothing was bothering him at all. It made me wonder how much our breakup really meant to him.

I used to be the one that was talking to a different person every day. I used to be the one that was smiling and laughing, like nothing in the world mattered. I used to have people wanting to talk to me and become my friend because I was popular.

But now, no one but my friends ever spoke to me, and it was almost like everyone else was trying to avoid me. When had Blake become the popular one while I was the outcast? When had our roles switched?

I didn't know how I really felt about it. Honestly, I hated being popular. It made everyone have such a high expectation of you and it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Because usually, the kids that were popular only ever cared about being popular. And when you did something they found uncool, you were immediately ridiculed.

And that was what had happened when I had started dating Blake. Thanks to Sean, we were both harassed by almost everyone in the school. That felt like it had been such a long time ago when it really wasn't.

Of course, I still had fun with my friends. And sometimes, Blake would be the one watching me laughing with them. I wasn't nearly as depressed as I had been at first, and it was the same for Blake, I was sure. But that still didn't mean that we weren't hurting a little...

My eyes would meet with Blake's every once in a while, and it was usually one of us catching the other staring. Whoever had been the one watching the other would immediately look away and not look back if they had been caught.

But it was even worse when other people caught me staring, especially some of the snotty cheerleaders. If one of them saw me watching him, she'd corner me later and tell me how I was never going to date Blake ever again because he was cool and I wasn't. I really felt like I had stepped into some parallel universe.

I didn't even get hit on as much as I used to. Now, believe me, I'm not complaining about that, but having the guys at my school scowling at me instead of checking me out was strange. But actually, I kind of preferred it a little more.

"You know what you need?" Cassie began as we made our way to rehearsal after school. When she saw I wasn't going to answer her, she continued. "You need a boyfriend."

Here we go again. She had been saying that the entire time I had been secretly dating Blake, and it was no different now that I was no longer dating him. I shouldn't have even been surprised that she didn't want to talk about anything else.

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