Our Everlasting Melody (25)

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"Did you hear?" was the first thing I heard when I walked into school on Monday. I ignored it, since I was so used to hearing it that I didn't even care if it was about me or not anymore.

"About the two leads of the play?" the other girl now asked under her breath, and I only rolled my eyes. Wasn't there anything else to talk about at this school? There wasn't anything that great about my love life.

I didn't see what the big deal was. So what if Christian and I were dating now? It wasn't like that meant anything to anyone else. That didn't affect anyone else, did it? So why did they care so much? They needed to worry about their own problems and forget about mine.

When I saw Cassie making a beeline right toward me down the hall, I let out a long sigh. Here we go.

She slid to a halt in front of me. "Is it true?" she immediately demanded.

Though I knew was she was insinuating, I simply asked, "What are you talking about?"

She rolled her eyes at me and took a step in front of me to stop me from moving down the hall. If I had to push her down, I would. "Seriously, Leah," she continued on. "Is it true that you went on a date with Christian on Saturday?"

I shouldn't have been surprised that it got around. We had seen kids around school, and I even got super close to Christian just so they'd shut up and go away. But since it was all around school, that meant one certain person must have heard about it...

"Yes, it's true," I shrugged simply, trying to act like this wasn't a big deal. But truthfully, it really annoyed me that people couldn't mind their own freaking business. Including my best friend. "We went to the movies on Saturday. That was it."

"Did you kiss?"

What was this, twenty questions or something? Why did she have to know every single detail of my life when I barely knew anything about hers? I knew that she was dating Sean and that was pretty much it.

"Yes," I answered, since she would have assumed I was lying if I told her no. And who cared if she knew I had kissed him?

The smile on her face grew so much that I thought her lips might crack. It kind of annoyed me, honestly. I knew that she was glad that I was finally dating someone else, but she had been bugging me about it for so long that now I was just fed up with her.

"I'm so glad," she giggled, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "I thought you might never date anyone ever again after Blake! But at least now you'll have a date for the prom! It's only two months away!"

This made me stop dead in my tracks, right in the middle of the hallway. This caused someone behind me to ram right into me, and they glared before continuing on their way around me.

"What's wrong, Leah?" Cassie questioned.

If prom was only two months away, that meant the show was a month away. And then after that, graduation was three months away. How was high school almost over? And how had my life been so hectic that I didn't even notice?

I shook my head. "Nothing," I whispered, and just continued on my way toward my locker.

Cassie, continuing to be her selfish self, didn't notice that I was lying. "Okay," she smiled, turning away and waving at me. "I'll see you later, Leah!"

If only she wouldn't.

When I saw Thomas making his way toward me out of the corner of my eye once I got to my locker, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I didn't know if he was going to talk to me about Christian or about something else. Now that he was finally dating Jane, he wasn't bugging me about that anymore.

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