Our Everlasting Melody (19)

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I practically skipped all the way up the stairs to Blake's apartment, excited to spend the whole day with him, just the two of us. His birthday might have been the next day, but since it was a school day, there wasn't much I could do then.

I knocked on the door about four times, waiting for him to answer the door. When he finally did, he sure looked surprised to see me. And kind of... scared?

"Leah," he blinked, his eyes going wide. "What are you doing here?"

"Your birthday is tomorrow, but we have school," I said, as if he somehow didn't know. "And I thought we could spend the day together today, since I didn't get to celebrate your birthday last year."

I thought Blake would be happy or excited about this, but he definitely didn't look like he was. Before I could even ask why, a new voice now said, "Who's at the door, Blake?"

My heart jumped right out of my chest. At first, I thought it was Carrie, and I thought that we were finally going to get caught after hiding our relationship for so long. But when I saw who had bounded around the corner, it was so much worse.

"Leah!" Mona smiled, but I was frozen. "I didn't expect anyone else to come over! You're here for Blake's birthday, right?"

I said nothing; I only stared at her. What the hell was she doing here?

"Yeah, she is," Blake answered for me, obviously very uncomfortable but seeing that I was in no state to answer Mona's question.

Mona giggled. "That's great! Is everyone else coming, too?"

I wanted to strangle her. I was so angry that the only thing that was stopping me from pouncing on her was Snowflake, who waddled his way toward me and licked my ankle.

"Yeah, but it was kind of a last minute decision," I swallowed, trying my hardest to force my anger down. "I completely forgot to call everyone and invite them over! You don't mind doing it for me, do you, Mona?"

My voice was sickly sweet and full of ice, but Mona didn't seem to notice that I really wasn't trying to be nice to her. She only smiled at me and said, "Yeah, of course! I'll be in the living room!"

She turned away and made her way back into the living room, and I gave Blake a look. He frowned at me. He was about to say something, but I only humphed before sticking my nose in the air and making my way into the living room as well.

It was awkward waiting for everyone to show up. Mona kept talking to me, and she just didn't seem to understand that she was the last person I wanted to see right then.

Cassie and Sean were the first to arrive, and I gave them a standard greeting, but otherwise ignored them. The smile Cassie was giving Mona and Blake really pissed me off.

Jane and Thomas came next, and I gave him a look. He rolled his eyes at me, so I was sure that he had yet to ask Jane out. But since I hadn't talked to her yet, I shouldn't have been that surprised that he hadn't made a move.

When Christian walked in behind Jaz, I couldn't help but frown. Blake was definitely not going to like that Christian was here, but he was just going to have to deal with it. I didn't like that Mona was there, but there she was.

Of course, it was his birthday party, so it did make me feel a little bad...

"Hi, Leah," Christian smiled at me.

I forced a smile onto my face. "Hi, Christian."

He hugged Mona as they greeted, and I couldn't help but make a face. Why did everyone have to be such good friends with her?

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