Our Everlasting Melody (18)

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I woke up to scratching against the door.

At first, it scared me. As I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes, I waited for the scratching to continue again. When it did, my grip on the sheets tightened even more. What the heck was making that sound?

I then heard the familiar yapping of Snowflake, and I let out the breath that I had been holding.

With Blake still asleep, since he seemed to be able to sleep through almost anything, I made my way over to the closed door and opened it. Snowflake was now sitting right in the hallway, staring up at me with his big eyes.

"What do you need, boy?" I asked him, and he barked up at me again. "Are you hungry? Do you want food?"

He seemed to nod, and I now walked down the hallway and toward the kitchen. I opened one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled his food bag out, dumping some into his bowl. "You happy now?" I asked, but he didn't even acknowledge me and started eating. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and laugh.

After filling his other bowl with water, I made my way back to the bedroom, shutting the door behind me so he couldn't run inside and disturb us again.

When I got back into the bed, I rolled onto my side to see Blake, who was still sleeping softly next to me. Sometimes I just didn't understand how he could sleep through certain situations.

Almost as if it was an extinct, even if he was asleep, his arm went around my waist. I was wearing his shirt, and he was wearing his boxers. This was how it was supposed to be.

I just laid there, staring at him for a little while. I couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to have someone like him be in love with me. I could never find anyone as amazing as him. And that was the reason why I was so scared of losing him.

I reached out and touched his cheek. His face was warm; he was breathing in and out slowly. He was so beautiful and I was just... so lucky.

As if he could tell that I was watching him, Blake finally woke up and cracked one eye open. I couldn't help but grin at him.

"Good morning, beautiful," he smiled, his voice groggy from sleep. He brushed my bangs out of my face. "Last night was..."

"Perfect," I whispered, leaning in and kissing him. "Last night was perfect."

His smile only grew before he leaned in and kissed me again. I laced my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to me.

"Hello, hello!" a new voice now said, and this immediately caused me to push myself away from Blake and nearly fall off the bed. "Oh, Blake! Come out, come out, wherever you are! You can't still be sleeping, can you?"

I let out a groan and shoved myself inside his closet, sliding the door shut just enough so I could still peak out but Carrie wouldn't be able to see me. Blake just sat up, completely stupefied.

I saw Carrie make her way inside the room and stop short in the doorway when she saw Blake. I held my breath.

"You look..." was all she was able to say at first. She then looked down at the floor to see my clothes, and I almost broke out into a sweat. I should have picked those up! "You look like you've had company."

"I had someone over," Blake excused quickly, and I felt my eyebrows furrow. Really? "I had... Mona over. She left about ten minutes ago. But she's going to be back soon, so..."

"Mona?" Carrie blinked, her eyes then going wide. "Didn't you used to date a girl named Mona a little while before you started dating Leah?"

Blake nodded. "Yeah, it's her."

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