Fright Night.

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Fright Night.

The previous experience was left in another dimension. No longer whisking around my mind. The terror he inflicted numbed itself free from me. I couldn't bear to go through another task like that, but I had to. I needed to finish this for myself. To know that I’m capable of surviving all circumstances even if the odds aren't in my favor. 

I held onto the arm that intertwined with mine for dear life as we carried on through the black. 

"I'm scared." I whispered. My voice loosing strength through the thick walls keeping me from sanity in this dreadful space. 

"I got you Babe." The familiar accented tone whispered back, disturbing the silence. 

my hands encircled around his arm resting at the elbow as the feeling of lips pressed to the top of my head. The dark night absorbed our bodies, leaving my nerves to rise above any safe standard. 

The crisp cold air filled my body with chills that matched the one creeping up my spine. Rattling the bones beneath my smooth flesh. 

"You're safe with me." 

His voice sent the hair at the base of my neck to rise along with the goose bumps on my arms. The thick sweater keeping the wind out but not what I feared most.

Leaves crunching beneath our shoes were the only noises in the silent air. I shuddered as a loud squeal sounded from behind us. My head whipped around, seeking the figure behind the high- pitched scream. The agonizing cry that shook my body with fright. 

"It's nothing Baby." 

I returned my every thought on surviving this obstacle. That he would protect me if he had to. He's shown his loyalty many times before whether it is from some grimy man at a bar to a shoulder I could cry on. Always my rock.

I hadn't realized my eyes were shut until a malicious chuckled filled my ears. Waking the lids from their deprived peace. I mushed my head into the arm I still carried as he led me through the maze. 

"I don't see him." 

He constantly updated me on the killer’s appearance knowing I was too scared to see for myself.

I nodded against his jacket. The strong arm keeping me from bellowing my stored up cries of defeat. I was ready to give up on the little fright filed night when a chainsaws motor rumbled.

The loud clashes running closer and closer. Picking up speed with every stride as my eyes widened with fear. My lips quivering when a loud bang hit the ground from behind us. 

Body frozen solid staring into the star filled sky. The only thought replaying itself in my mind was of how I’d die. I'd die in the night. A psychopathic killer chasing me down with his handy chainsaw and the only thing protecting me from the many teeth built into the tool being a tall boy. I dread the day I’d lose him. Loose the beautiful eyes and warm arms that held me through the night. Cradling my smaller body against his.

"Babe. Run." He shouted pulling at my arm but my limp body refused to move even though my mind screamed to leave. To exit this moment in life.

The racing chain moved closer. Inching towards my limbs. I couldn't make out his face perfectly. The moonlight creating a light sheet of indication through the darkness. 

The peeled flesh around his chin. Droopy bloodshot eyes with red rims mirroring the bloodstained irises. The draining eyes that were shaded but visibly maroon. 

"Hee, hee, hee." The masked murderer repeated. Lifting the speeding chainsaw above his head as he slowly moved closer to our stopped forms.

As soon as he started to lower the tool my feet effortlessly pumped through the gravel. Occasional patches of grass hitting below the souls of my shoes as i pulled my boyfriend’s body.

Doors came into view. The opening to a large gate grew closer as my legs pulled him through. I slowed my rate trying to tame my quickly beating heart with short puffs of breath. 

My hands un- caged themselves from his hooked limb falling to my knees so I could catch my breath.

"Baby, don't be scared. It’s over..."

His soothing voice comforted me as loud screams flew through my ears making me cringe. The door had shut creating a barrier between us and the masked chainsaw possessor.

"You did it. You finished the Haunted House.'"

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