Married Man

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Married Man

My eyes lazily opened to find the beautiful Adonis facing me. His shut lids hide the gorgeous coloured irises from me as his light snores filled the dim room.

The bits of sunlight shone through the curtained windows keeping the bright day hidden for as long as possible.

His hair was left muddled from his sleep and I couldn't help but admire his features. The features of the married man now in my bed.

Ever since we first met there was a spark. A spark I knew he didn't feel with anyone else. And neither did I.

The spark grew the longer we were together. And every time I see someone around this married man I shudder trying to deny the urge of jealousy trying to overtake my mind.

The crinkles at the corner of his eyes became prominent as he blinked the light away, opening his eyes up to me.

"Good morning Baby." His raspy voice croaked as he rubbed the sleep away from his eye with the back of his hand.

"Morning Babe." I called back. The sleepy voice slowly disappearing as those were my first words of the day.

My eyes traced over his face as my fingers drew shapes into his chest.

"What are you thinking about, Beautiful?" He whispered sneaking a kiss to my forehead as I eased my eyes up to his. This married man was no longer on the market for relationships but that didn't include me. That rule was irrelevant in my mind as I watched the slow smirk rise in the corner of his mouth.

"I'm just happy that I'm the lucky girl who got to marry you."

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