fifty follower milestone! • Q&A

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Actual chapter coming later today!

Thank you guys so much for 50 followers! As promised last chapter, I would do a Q&A for 50 followers! Enjoy!

(Bold: My answer)

Vanilla_Aph13 : What inspired you to start writing this book?

As said in the description of this story, I read FizzySoda_'s story (called, "Sevens") and I really liked it! I had been wanting to a YouTuber fanfiction for a long time, but I wasn't sure what to write. I read her story, really liked it, and started writing my own variation. I already messaged her, she said she was okay with it, and I'm giving her credit right now.

CCGSofia : Can you give us your complete schedule of updating?

If I had a schedule, I would've posted it on my profile already, but, to be completely honest, I kind of just upload whenever I feel like it. Whenever I have an inspiration for the next chapter, I write it, and upload. I'll try to upload everyday, but, as I said a few chapters ago, I'm going on vacation at the end of July, so updating will be a little harder.

YurieTheAkwardAuthor : What specific type of Asian are you?

Chinese-American (Cantonese-speaking family).

I myself can't speak Cantonese fluently. English is my first and only language. I'm attempting to learn Mandarin, but that's about as close as it will get (I'm pretty good with figuring it out via context clue, though).

Crystalwolf2006 : How did you come up with the idea to do the evil youtubers?

I'm going to assume you are asking how I decided which YouTubers are evil in my story. Or how I decided to make some YouTubers evil. I'll answer the first one now:

I came up with some YouTubers that I watched out of the top of my head to make the previous Seven, aka, the Arcane Seven. ThatGuyBarney, RedVacktor, LDShadowlady, Smallishbeans, Woofless, and OkwardIndustries. Aphmau being the Seven of Hate was FizzySoda_'s idea (originally).

Now for the second one:

I decided to make the Arcane Seven evil for a good plot. I was stuck, so I came up with something on the spot and that was what I got. Same with my title. XD

@Crystalwolf2006 : Do you know LDShadowlady?

No. :'( 

I know her first and last name because I was searching up the cast for Minecraft Story Mode: Episode 6, since LDShadowlady makes an appearance. The casting said that a woman named Elizabeth Dwyer voiced LDShadowlady. Since she said in her video that she voiced herself, I learned her full name.

@IDOFANDOMTHINGS : Will anymore YouTubers be introduced? OCs?

Yes. More YouTubers will be introduced to this story. I honestly do not think this story is anywhere close to finishing. (Actually, scratch that, I think it's about halfway through.)

Now, OCs. I will think about adding OCs. But, in my honest opinion, I. HATE. OCs. I'm sorry, it's just in cliché fanfictions, the OCs suddenly take over the whole story, thus making the main characters irrelevant. I don't like them, and I'd rather keep the original characters and YouTubers. 

The most an OC will appear would probably be as a castle guard or something. Maybe a member of the Live Rebels? The Evil? Comment down below scenes for an OC to appear in, if you would like OCs. Just... no entries. YET. 

@the_blue_alpaca : HOW DO YOU WRITE SO GOOD?!?!?

*blushes* First of all, I'm flattered. Really, I am.

I took a writing class from the middle of fourth grade, to the start of fifth grade. I took it with a close friend of mine. We had a tutor, who told us to write a fiction story for an assignment. Next class, we edited each other's stories by reading them out loud, then giving each other feedback. I started writing class again during sixth grade. I still am doing writing class. Everything else is just a matter of your imagination. 

@sisterdiy2 : Who is your favorite YouTuber?

*gives you the look* *le sigh*

(Edit 8/9/2018): "*le sigh*" @ myself

Do I really have to answer that?

Well, I really like LDShadowlady, Aphmau, NewScapePro, Shubble, Mithzan, SamGladiator, and ItsFunneh. My favorite out of those would probably be... NewScapePro

@IDOFANDOMTHINGS : Will you be friend?


Of course. ^u^

The Evil ~ YouTuber Fanfiction ~ (Book 1 of the Arcane Powers)Where stories live. Discover now