[35] invade

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Art Credit: Kerushi Draws (from what i can tell from the watermark)

(Above): You can guess who's showing up in this chapter. XD


Three things for y'all.

A quote: "If you do that one more time I'll beat you with my mule-goat." If you know who said this then I love you.

And a fact: Did you know that there's something called mephobia, which is a fear that you'll become so awesome that the human race can't handle it and everyone dies?

(Also if you noticed what I did with quotes then I also love you.)




- Nick's POV -


Nick was tapping his foot impatiently. Ross, Sky, and Jin were the only ones who hadn't returned from scouting out the base. So far, it looked like no guards were on duty outside of the base. Shelby started to get worried for her cousin, and Max seemed to feel the same for his best friend.

Nick seriously felt like history was repeating itself.

The soldiers in the small army were talking amongst themselves quietly. Uni, Nathan, Sierra, Ember, Jamie, and Pat were standing near the front, with the Seven, looking anxious.

Finally, the trio came back. Sky looked tense, Jin looked afraid, and Ross looked worried.

"What happened?" Nathan asked, crossing his arms. "What took you so long?"

They exchanged looks. Ross spoke up. "We were attacked."

"What happened?" Shelby asked immediately.

"I heard this rustling in the bushes," Ross explained. "Sky heard it, too. He went over to where the noise was coming from when he got pulled through. There was this entity. It grabbed Sky's wrists, and then he screamed, and there was lightning everywhere, and then he fell."

"It was going for Sky's face when Jin blasted it with a spell. Then it said something and vanished. Sky woke up a little later, but there were these black bands where the entity had grabbed him. They wouldn't come off."

"Let me see them," Okward said sharply.

Sky held up his arms. True to Ross's word, there were two black bands on each wrist. Okward studied them for a moment. He looked over at Joel, fear plastered on his face.

"It can't be," Okward muttered.

"Did they..." Joel said, looking worried.

"I think they did."

"Did what?" Jin snapped.

Okward let Sky lower his arms. "Remember how the Evil had been developing a weapon that turned Aphmau to their side?"

They nodded. 

"Well, the Evil had also been developing means of torture. Fear is something that can drive you insane. The black bands on Sky's wrists are the entity's grip on him. The thing that shows him all of his fears in one, vivid nightmare. A nightmare that will become real if we don't get it off."

"How do we get it off?" Cory asked, studying them.

"Guys, we can worry about me later," Sky said flatly. "Right now, the base is clear of guards outside. We have to take our chance while we can."

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