[28] the live rebels

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- Cory's POV


Joel sat down, running his hands through his hair. "So, Lizzie... she's alive, but she's been turned?"

"Yeah," Sky said. "We ran into her when we were running from the Evil. Shelby made contact with her, and then she was drawn to Lizzie's love for you. That's how we found you."

Okward nodded. "Impressive, Shelby."

Shelby blushed. "Thanks."

"Anyways," Okward continued, "we need to have a plan. The Evil plans to attack the Kingdom soon. They're developing plans based off of Micha-- Red's knowledge."

Cory crossed his arms. "So what's the plan?"

"Our first step should be to turn back Lizzie," Okward said. "She may have information on the Evil."

"How do you know that?" Nick asked.

"When people are turned to the Evil, their thoughts are corrupted, but they still have their memories. Some people have their fatal flaws used against them. However, that is a very rare occurrence. When people are turned via their fatal flaw, then usually, they are too far gone to come back," Okward explained.

"That must've been what happened with Red," Sky said thoughtfully. "He said something about power, and the world being imperfect."

Joel spoke up. "I'm going to suggest something else. I want more than anything to see Lizzie again, but just to be safe, we should make contact with the Live Rebels. I know a guy, Nathan? He's kind of a casanova, but we're good friends. He's a guard for the rebels."

"Well then," Jin said, standing up, "we should get going. Okward, do you know the way there?"

"Yes, I do," Okward replied, heading for the door.


They were walking, another hour later. 

Shelby groaned. "How much farther?"

Okward stopped. "We're here."

They looked ahead of them. Nick squinted. "I don't see anything."

Jin frowned. "I can sense powerful magic here, but I don't see anything either."

"Cloaking charm," Okward responded. He shouted, "Evil is live!"

The clearing shimmered, until a stone building appeared in front of them. Two guards, both dressed in medieval-like armor, stood atop a wall, apparently arguing.

They walked forward, until Cory could hear their conversation, thanks to his training as a master thief.

"Nathan, I already told you, I did not steal your hairbrush!"

"Well, someone did!"

"Why do you even use a hairbrush? You're a boy, I'm a girl, and I don't even use a hairbrush! I'm pretty sure you're the only one here who uses a hairbrush."

"Just because I'm a guard, doesn't mean I can't look stylish while doing my job!"


Okward cleared his throat.

Both guards automatically drew their weapons.

The one on the right, the girl, nocked an arrow and aimed it at the group.

The one on the left, Nathan, Cory assumed, drew a sword and pointed it at Okward. "Who are you?" he demanded.

Okward simply responded, "Live in Heptad."

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