[12] backstory

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- Cory's POV


Cory was in an animate conversation with Nick when they saw Max coming back from Okward's lesson.

Max saluted Sky, who was walking away to have his lesson with Okward. Max looked around for a moment, before his gaze rested on Cory and Nick.

Max approached them.

Cory nodded stiffly. "Max."

Max shuffled his feet. "Cory. Nick. Can I... talk to you two?"

Nick shrugged. "Why not?"

Cory sighed. "Fine. But make it quick."

Max sat down by the pair. "Look, I just wanted to apologize for the orphanage. I was... an idiotic hothead that just wanted attention and power. To be completely honest, it wasn't just that. I was scared of being picked on myself. In the orphanage, I found my way quickly. I was blinded by the prospect of being up top. I didn't notice you half the time. You were always so quiet. When Nick came to the orphanage, I thought I found myself an easy target. Then you started defending him. To avoid the tables being turned, I started picking on you, too."

Cory raised his eyebrows. "You know, you don't have to pick on people. You can just.. do what I did. Blend in. Be unnoticeable. Half the criminals and bullies these days just do what they do for attention. You don't want attention, but you also don't want to seem like a coward? Be quiet, don't attract attention. When someone comes up to you, keep your voice low, face expressionless. I learned that on the streets a long time ago."

Cory thought back to the time before the orphanage.

He was running, running from the blazing inferno that destroyed his home. His parents were gone. He had no idea where his brother had went. His only choice was to run. 

He had taken his father's coat with him, and was slightly surprised to find a few gold coins in the pockets. He passed a mask shop. A mask with a camera intrigued him. 

Cory remembered that he used to take his friends to his house and pretend to be robbers. They would pick pockets, locks, and chests for loot. But they would always steal from the rich and give to the poor, like Robin Hood, their childhood hero. Cory was always the best pickpocketer. He had the quickest, stickiest fingers, he could be as silent as a mouse, and he had an excellent poker face. 

Now, Cory decided to take those years of play-pretend to the test. He quickly looked around. The guards were occupied with Cory's house, which was on fire. Set on fire. By a murderer. Cory swore to himself he would find the murderer and light him or her on fire. Your evil deeds always strike back.

He looked back at the shop. It was closed for the night, the storekeeper probably somewhere above the store. The mask was just within Cory's reach. Taking a quick step forward, Cory snatched it, stuffing it within his father's coat. He looked around again, and resumed a normal pace, looking straight ahead, so he wouldn't look like an eleven-year-old kid who just robbed a mask shop.

One year later, he was caught by the guards, and kicked into an orphanage. Thankfully, nobody made a big deal about it, so he was able to keep to himself for another year. But then, Nick came along.

Nick's parents were traders. They were heading to a nearby kingdom, when their party got ambushed by bandits. Nick's parents bravely tried to protect everyone, but it was all in vain. Only one man made it out alive, and he ran all the back to the kingdom. He collapsed from exhaustion afterwards.

Cory didn't know what he saw in Nick. At the time, he just saw a twelve-year-old kid being beat up by a redhead and his goons. He didn't know what compelled him to take the next hit and start yelling for the lady who runs the orphanage. But Cory was glad he did. Nick is his best friend. And nobody could replace Nick.

"Um, Cory? Anybody in there?" someone asked.

He blinked and saw NIck waving a hand in front of his face. "You kind of spaced out for a while there."

Max cleared his throat. "Anyways, I was trying to ask you how you learned that on the streets. I grew up in the orphanage. I know your parents were caught in something, same with Nick, because you came in at the age of... twelve, I think?"

Cory nodded.

"Yeah, and something else, too. You were brought in by kingdom guards. Freaking royal guards. Care to explain?"

Cory sighed. "You heard Sky. I'm the Camera-Masked Thief. I didn't become that until after you started bullying me and Nick. Before the orphanage, I stole my infamous camera mask from a mask shop by my old home. I started pickpocketing people for coins or objects. One day, the guards caught me, and brought me to the orphanage."

"Once again, I'm sorry for bullying you and Nick," Max said.

"Apology accepted," Nick stuck out his hand. 

Max shook it. Nick nudged Cory. Cory scowled at him. "Oh, come on, Cory! If you can get along with Max, then I won't bother you about bottle caps for a week. How's that sound?" Nick asked.

Cory groaned. "You're probably going to forget that in about a day, but why not?"

He shook Max's hand.

Max grinned. "So what's this about bottle caps?"

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