[3] the baker

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- Shelby's POV -


Shelby was lounging in a chair, her nose buried in a book. She tapped her foot, the combat boots she was wearing making a tapping sound on the wooden floor.

She shivered, so she walked over to a nearby closet and pulled on a white jacket over her gray shirt.

A timer went off nearby. Shelby marked the page she was on and placed the book on a table.

She hummed to herself as she pulled a pair of green oven mitts on. Shelby knelt down and pulled a sheet of cookies, the chocolate chips melted from the heat of the oven. She smiled and put the cookies by an open window to cool off.

Her parents entered the house. Their clothes were dirty from working in the family's small farm.

Shelby's father grinned. "Are those cookies I smell?"

Shelby ran up and hugged her father, not caring about the dirt getting on her clothes. "Papa! Mama!"

Shelby's mother smiled warmly at her daughter. "Shelby! How's business today?"

Shelby gave her mother the gold she had gotten from her customers. "I sold six loaves of bread, eight cookies, and about ten pastries."

"See, Lora? I told you putting our daughter's talent to work would benefit us!" Shelby's father grinned.

"As long as Shelby's okay with it, then I am, too, James." Shelby's mother looked at Shelby.

Shelby smiled at her parents. "Everytime I bake something, I know that whatever I bake will help whoever buys it. I don't mind baking for a living. I love baking! I take the burnt bread and make breadcrumbs for the birds, so I don't waste anything," she said earnestly.

"As long as you're happy," Shelby's father chuckled.

"Shelby, we're going to be gone for a while. Your father and I need to secure a deal in the Desert Kingdom. We'll be gone for two months. Can you handle the business until then?" Shelby's mother asked.

"I'll be fine, Mama. I promise," Shelby said.

"Good." Shelby's parents both hugged her. "We love you, dearest. We are so very proud of you."

As Shelby's parents left the house, Shelby sighed. It was turning dark. She dimly wondered if anything would happen to her. News had spread around the Kingdom that the Lord's son and Second Head Guard had gone missing. The last person to see them was the Lord's wife.

A rustling by the open window, where the cookies were cooling off, disturbed Shelby from her thinking.

She turned just in time to see a gloved hand snatch half of the cookies.

"Thief," Shelby muttered to herself.

She grabbed the tray of cookies, which wasn't as hot as before, but before she could set them on the kitchen counter, a flash of cyan filled the room, causing her to drop the tray in shock.

A box appeared in front of her. Shelby looked around. No one seemed to be out. She couldn't see the thief, though she had a suspicion that he or she was watching her.

Shelby shrugged and opened the box. In it was a note and a gold ring with a pink pearl in the center. She read the note.

Dear Shelby,

Please take this ring and accept your new life as one of the Seven chosen to fight the Evil. Note that when you put the ring on, it will adjust to your finger. You will not be able to take it off. The ring is the source of your power. Without it, you are just a normal villager.

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