❄ 28 ❄ Labor Pains And Nahuel ❄

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28 ❄ Labor Pains And Nahuel

The Cullens House

Wren, Carlisle, and Masika all arrived back at the house, orbing into one of the three extra bedrooms that had once been the attic. Both Carlisle and Wren carefully laid Masika down on the bed. She sighed lightly as she relaxed back into the fluffy pillows that were piled at the head of the bed. Her back arched suddenly and she whimpered in pain as she clutched at her stomach. Wren and Carlisle each grasped both of her hands and her fingers curled tightly around theirs.

They both watched silently as her teeth clenched together, her aquamarine blue eyes wide and wild with pain. Carlisle glanced down at his wristwatch, counting down the seconds until the pain receded. Masika released a deep breath and relaxed back against the pillows once more.

"Get her clothes off. There's a hospital gown in the dresser. I'll go and get the things we will need." Carlisle said to Wren.

She nodded her head in understanding as he flitted from the bedroom, leaving her alone with Masika. A pair of scissors appeared on the bedside table. She snatched them up and began cutting away her clothing. Halfway through the process, Masika's back arched again as another contraction coursed through her. She bit off a scream as she clutched at Wren's hands again. She glanced around the bedroom frantically. 

"Where's Carlisle?" She gasped suddenly.

"I'm here," Carlisle said as the door opened and he walked into the room, a heart monitor and IV drip rolling at his side, his medical bag in his hand.

He came to stand beside the bed, sitting the bag on the bedside table and gently prying one of Masika's hands from Wren's, glancing at his watch again. A few minutes passed before the contraction finally receded. Masika slumped against the pillows again, her face shining with perspiration. Carlisle opened his bag and then handed Wren a clean white cloth to wipe the sweat from Masika's brow. She did so as he begins checking Masika's pulse and calculating the beats of her heart before hooking up the IV and heart monitor.

He then rummaged around in his bag again and pulled out a syringe. He took a blood sample and set it aside for later use. He then helped Wren with fully undressing her and pulling the gown over her head. As soon as they were done dressing her, Wren pulled the cover-up to cover Masika and she smiled weakly up at her.

"Are the others here?" She asked the other girl softly.

Just as the words left her mouth, the front door opened downstairs and there was a pounding of footsteps on the stairs. The bedroom door opened and Esme walked inside, followed by Bella, Alice, Rosalie, Nessie, Tanya, Kate, Carmen, and Elle.

"They boys are downstairs waiting," Esme said as she walks over to Carlisle's side. "How is she?"

Masika groans in pain suddenly and Carlisle and Wren quickly grasped her hands. Her back arched off the pillows as Carlisle counted the passing seconds again.

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