Generator Rex : Loss - Part 18

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Ect.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, but if you don't know that by now, it's too late.


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 18

The night's silence was interrupted by a crash as Rex jumped through the ceiling and into the air, sharp shards of concrete cutting into his arms. The ground shook again as either an explosion went off or the evo had head-butted a wall in place of Rex. The emptiness and serene surroundings showed no sign of the chaos that he had just escaped from. Glancing around, Rex frowned; Providence was nowhere to be seen.

Setting Twon down, Rex's hand went to his earpiece.

"How about now?"

"ETA is 3."

Rex squinted, but the inky blackness swallowed any sign of the ships arrival. He rested his palms on his knees, chest heaving, and looked down into the hole he had just created.

A black pit greeted his eyes and he jerked his head back, narrowly missing the liquid projectile the evo launched his way.

"Woah!" The ground shook and there was a roar from below his feet. The evo rammed into the wall again. Rex quirked an eyebrow as the evo repeated struck the walls like a wild beast. What was it doing? The edges of the hole started to crumble inwards and chunks started to fall, jarred by the shaking of the walls.

It was trying to get out.

"Oh no you don't!" Rex clenched his fists then took a deep breath. This evo could not escape at any cost. There would be carnage if it was let loose. It was a deceptively easy choice that spoke nothing of the consequences; he had to go back in.

Building his Blast Caster, Rex turned to Twon. "Stay here, okay? I'll be right back..."Hopefully.

Not waiting for the boy's response, he leapt down the hole.

"Over here you big, fat, ugly –"As Rex yelled out all the insults he could conjure, he lashed out an arm, the whip coiling around the evo's midsection. It paused and Rex jerked his arm back, sending a charge through.

However, at that moment, the monster charged forward in the opposite direction to hit the wall again, seemingly unaffected by the barrage of electricity. Rex felt an unnatural pressure on his joint and with a sickening pop, pain flared throughout his elbow and shoulder.

"Arrgh!" Stumbling backwards, Rex tried to move his arm but it hung there limply, unresponsive. A white mass barged into him and Rex hit the opposite wall.

It was like getting smacked with a wrecking ball and Rex groaned, sliding to the floor. His breath came in even shorter gasps - one of his ribs was probably cracked - yet he clambered up to his feet and grit his teeth.

"Rex, we're here. Where are you?" Six's voice spoke into Rex's ear, but he could barely hear. He could barely even stand, but this evo was not getting past him.

"I said, over here!" Rex kicked a stone from the floor and it smacked the evo's fleshy side. It laboriously swiveled around and faced Rex, drooling small puddles of black acid.

"Rex, wherever you are, get out now!" Holiday saw his adrenalin was up, but he wasn't thinking coherently and was running on an empty tank. Most men would have fallen in his place, but he stood on.

"Sorry Doc... No can do." Weakly, Rex raised his remaining functional arm. "I'm going to try and cure it."

"What, Rex?! No! Are you facing one of Kager's evos? If you try, you might not survive!"

Generator Rex : LossWhere stories live. Discover now