Generator Rex : Loss - Part 8

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Everything that happens in this fan-fiction, hence the name, from an avid fan for fans who would like some more generator rex content.

Artwork above is fanart from emls479. Go check her out on her deviantart here :

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched the show or finished the show and do not want spoilers, do NOT read this. I'm not sure if it does contain spoilers, but better safe than sorry; come back after watching season one because this is before the second and third season.

Changing the format a bit for this chapter since I had trouble writing this coherently in my usual style; awkward wording zone straight below


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 8


Glancing at some paperwork while walking down the quiet hallway back to her lab, Holiday was distracted when a strange, thudding noise interrupted the emptiness. The sound grew louder until it reached its climax with Rex barreling past her – whooping – and the girl bouncing along on his shoulders, a huge grin plastered on her face. Holiday drew back slightly as the pair caused her papers to flutter around, barely registering the flag like object the girl was waving around in the air.

"Doc, don't say anything, we were never here!" Rex stage whispered over his shoulder as he disappeared around a corner and through a random door. Peaceful silence resumed as if they had simply been an illusion. Slightly amused and confused, Holiday shook her head at the two of them and was about to continue on when another voice shattered the stillness.


Holiday frowned at the strong language used by the approaching person, and then what he actually yelled finally sank in. Pants? She recalled the "flag" like item the girl had possession of; it had indeed looked like a pair of black pants, now that she thought about it. One of the junior grunts rounded the corner, face flushed red, dripping wet, and clothed only with a towel around the waist. Upon seeing Holiday, he paled, emitting a weak squeak – no doubt becoming aware of his attire – and immediately did an about face, backpedaling from whence he came.

A few seconds later, Rex's and the girl's heads peeked out from the doorway, checking to see that the coast was clear. Seeing that the livid agent-in-training was nowhere to be seen, Rex bounded out of the room and lifted the girl up into the air with a jubilant aura.

"Whoot! Revenge is mine! That was awesome!" She beamed happily at his exultations, still waving the pair of freshly stolen pants around in the air.

"Care to explain what this is all about?" Holiday raised a skeptical eyebrow and he put the girl down with a sheepish grin.

"Hey, he started it! He was dissing Six; the only one who gets to do that is me and Bobo!"

Smirking, Holiday wished Six could hear this as proof on how much Rex really looked up to him to the point where he would secretly defend Six's honor, albeit also using this as a chance to pull some pranks. Rex lifted the girl onto his shoulders again, ready to take off.

"Okay! See you later, Doc. Let's go finish this off! I bet the Hive would be a perfect home for these – or maybe even the cafeteria!" Rex's excited voice trailed off as he and the girl traveled out of Holiday's earshot. She gave a small shake of the head and finally resumed her journey to her lab, the corners of her lips quirked up in exasperated amusement.

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