Generator Rex : Loss - Part 17

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Ect.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, but if you don't know that by now, have you even been reading this?


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 17

"Six!" Holiday's hand flew up to her communicator.

"Send the coordinates to my jump jet." There were no questions needed, they both had been frantically searching for Rex, and Holiday had finally tracked his bio signal. Strangely, the locator they had put in him was still working; his nanites usually unbuilt them by now. The signal was weak, but it caught and they now had Rex's location.

"Hang in there, Rex." Holiday stared at the screen frowning. His levels were at a 53 percent negative spike. Wherever he was, he was in bad condition and probably in an even worse situation.


"Twon!" Rex smashed through the door, the metal bending out of shape and popping out of its frame. He had passed by crumbled walls and moaning scientists lying on the floor, avoiding the sight of small limbs, limply crushed under rubble. The ceiling cracked, threatening to fall at the slightest movement. What could have caused this amount of damage in the two minutes that had passed?

As the door fell away, Rex squinted into the darkness; barely illuminated by the light from the hallway. He furrowed his brow.

"Twon?... You okay there?"

Only silence greeted his ears. Rex slowly reached in and groped around for the light switch. There was a strange, wet crunching noise and Rex felt the muscles in his stomach clench.

His finger felt the cold, smooth plastic and flipped the protruding knob up.

While his eyes adjusted to the brightness, there was a slight confusion. The wall had moved until it was two feet away from the door; no wonder the hallway light hadn't illuminated anything. But where was Twon? Stretching out his arm, he tapped the wall, leaping back wildly when it shifted under his fingers.

The "wall" slowly turned and faced him, revealing a gaping hole in the real wall. A pair of glowing yellow eyes blinked, black goo dripping from an open mouth. An arm stuck out from between its moving lips and with a small toss of its head, the monster slurped down the limb.

"No!" Rex built his BFS and swung, destroying the walls and ceiling in his path, before finally connecting with the monster's bumpy head.

Rex's arm was thrown back with a clang, the blade shattering. The monster shook its head. Opening it's moist mouth, it let out a roar, the black good splattering onto Rex's arm.

"Gah, gross!" About to rub at the gunk, it started to sizzle. "Ah! Hot, hot hot!" Holes started appearing on his jacket sleeve and he jumped up and down, jerking it off and throwing it aside, the corrosive spit eating away at the material.

Wide eyed, Rex looked at his jacket, then back to the monster. Snorting, it gave no warning and charged. Rex, barely dove away into the room in time. He let out a grunt as the attack smashed into his legs, sending him spinning off balance. It tore through the wall as if tearing through cardboard, chunks of debris flying everywhere.

Rolling to his feet, Rex crouched on the floor. The evo slowly turned around and gurgled. He shuffled back but his progress was stopped when he bumped into something. Swiveling around, Rex gasped.

"Twon! You're okay!" Rex turned to look at the monster, and then narrowed his eyes, making a decision. "Here, take my hand. We're getting out of here."

Twon shook his head and gazed blankly at the approaching evo.

"There is nowhere to run. There is only this cage or the end."

"Hey!" Rex tackled the motionless boy away as the evo charged forward again. "Está loco? You have to move!"

Twon stared at him and Rex shivered. It was like looking into a doll's eyes; cold and glassy, devoid of any will to live. His lips parted slightly and a single trail of water wet his cheek.

"Please, I do not want to hurt anymore."

The evo bellowed and Rex grabbed Twon around the waist, building his boogie pack. He launched the cables, sending them spinning around the bulbous white body of the monster, and flew off out the broken wall through the hallways, twisting and turning to avoid chunks of fallen debris.

Twon hung limply in his arms. Rex readjusted his grip and continued on, scanning the ceiling and walls for an exit of a hole, anything so they could escape.

Another boom and the walls shook, various debris flying through the air as Rex continued on. The roars added with the twists and turns of the identical looking hallways were definitely not helping. With all the noise, he almost didn't notice the familiar beeping that sounded in his ear. Rex's free hand flew up to his ear piece.

"Hello?! I need a little help here!"

The com crackled to life, Six's voice coming through the speaker.

"Rex, we've locked on to your location and are on the way."

He would have sagged in relief if not for the fact that he was still trying to escape with a kid in his arms.

"Yeah, could you hurry up with that?"

There was still no sign of any breach to the surface. Rex swerved to the right as a large forelimb smashed through the wall to his left. Another voice interrupted the stream of Providence chatter that had flooded his earpiece.

"Rex, what were you thinking?!" Holiday's voice was terse, but the concern was obvious in her tone. Rex took in a large breath and hefted Twon up higher in his arms while making a sharp turn left to avoid a sudden mini explosion. He grimaced.

"Not exactly a great time doc."

Six cut in. "ETA is 5 minutes."

"I'll try to hold out but there's a really nasty evo here, Six, I don't think I can take it down."

"Then get out of there now."

"I'm trying!"

Rex pulled up short as he was faced with a dead end. A faint crunching was coming closer and closer. He wildly looked at the wall and approaching evo, then narrowed his brow.

"Fine, if there's no door, I'll just make one myself!"

Rex unbuilt his wings and set Twon on the ground, building his Smack Hands and turning them into the Combat Drill mode. Holding it up to the ceiling, sparks flew as the rotating drill slowly carved a hole through the metal and dirt above. It was a race to see what was faster, the evo or his escaping skills.

There was a crash and the slobbering, hulking beast skidded into view. Well, looks like the evo was obviously the winner.

Only halfway done excavating out a hole, Rex quickly switched to his Punk Buster and grabbed Twon with one arm. Lifting the other, he raised it like a shield above his head and tossed a grim grin at the approaching menace.

"See ya sucker!'" Rex bent down and pushed off the ground, small craters forming in the ground underneath his feet. Colliding with the half-finished hole, concrete ceiling met with 4000 horse power and caved to the pressure. Rex burst out of the lab and into the open area.

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