Generator Rex : Loss - Part 16

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Yada Yada Yada... so on so forth.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, but if you don't know that by now, have you even been reading this?


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 16

"Wakey wakey!" An annoying sing songy voice filtered through Rex's consciousness. He twisted his head and mumbled incoherently. "Hmm, still not up? Maybe this will help." A shock of electricity ran through his body.

"Arragh!" Rex's eyes shot open and he gasped for breath. He tried sitting up, but strangely couldn't move. Lifting his head as far as it would go; he looked down at his body and saw metal restraints strapping him down to a medical bed. Thrashing around, the frigid metal bit into his skin and he stilled. They weren't going to budge any time soon.

"You don't know how excited I am to meet you!" A small man shot into view, bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet. He looked nothing like his old photo; clean shaven with sunken in, glittering eyes and a wolfish grin. "My name is Kager Hoshitaki. Please, call me Kager." He stretched out a finger and trailed it down Rex's arm.

Swallowing the bile rising in his throat, Rex grit his teeth and tried to build something, anything would do, but nothing happened.

"Nuh uh uh, bad Rex. You won't be able to communicate with your nanites, I put them to sleep." He wagged a finger at Rex like he was scolding a naughty puppy, tutting softly.

"Let me go you sicko! What do you want with me?!"

"Why, don't you know what a treasure you are? Rex, you are a living example of what I want to achieve, I'm your biggest fan! I even have all your fights taped on video!"

Rex grimaced and narrowed his eyes as Kager sashayed away.

"If you're my "fan", then let me out of here."

"Oh no, no, no... I can't do that, the fun's only started!" Kager grabbed a gleaming scalpel off a nearby table and hummed as he approached Rex.

"Now, hold still. This will hurt a lot."

Before the cold, keen metal edge could touch Rex's skin, a metallic protrusion shot out and knocked away the knife.

"Hmm, how simply interesting! Even deactivated, it seems your nanites have a built in safety mechanism." Kager reached over and slowly twisted a dial.

"Aarrgh!" A pained scream tore through Rex's throat as another electric current ran through him. Kager twisted the dial back and the shock stopped, leaving Rex breathing heavily through his teeth while black spots danced in the edges of his vision.

"But electricity has no reaction, or at least in short doses it doesn't... "Kager let out an excited squeal. "Oh Rex, you don't know how happy this makes me!" Rex ground his teeth together and glared at Kager, who saw his look and sighed. "Now, now. Don't be like that. Just think of it as for the good of the world! With your help, I'll perfect the nanites and my name will be known throughout the world!" His face turned dark and Kager chewed on the corner of his lip, muttering. "No one will ever ridicule me again, I'll show them..."

His face tightened and he spun around, clapping his hands together with a sharp crack.

"Let's continue, so much to do, so little time." He again approached with a scalpel and again, it was knocked aside before it could harm Rex.

Generator Rex : LossTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon