Generator Rex : Loss - Part 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Everything that happens in this fan-fiction, hence the name, from an avid fan for fans who would like some more Generator Rex content.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched the show or finished the show and do not want spoilers, do NOT read this. I'm not sure if it does contain spoilers, but better safe than sorry; come back after watching season one because this is before the second and third season.


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 12

"Six, it's not your fault."

"I'm not saying it is. I'm saying I killed her."

"No, you didn't." Holiday sighed in frustration and bitterness. She could tell that even though he looked unaffected, underneath those stupid sunglasses, he was beating himself over "killing" the girl. There was a small tightness to his mouth that usually wasn't there before. She had the crazy urge to hug him and tell him that everything would be alright, but she held herself in check. Holiday knew from experience that the closer you tried to get, the more he would back away, pulling up his shield-like glasses. The only way to get him to open up would be on his own terms in his own time, which would never ever happen.

"How's Bobo?" Holiday was brought back to reality and she scanned the monitors, not looking at Six.

"Oh, he has a minor concussion, but a few days should fix that right up."

"... and Rex?" He voiced the question they both were worried about.

"He... physically, he has the usual cuts and bruises, but no more than he's had before. It's his mental state I'm worried about." Holiday absentmindedly wandered over to Rex, who was on the scanner bed, and squeezed his arm. It had been seven hours since the whole battle and he still showed no signs of waking up. The speedy regeneration abilities he also showed were nowhere to be seen. It was like his nanites had frozen and were not running. She saw the footage of the fight and had tried to salvage some of the nanites from the girl in hopes of finding some way to heal Rex, but it had all happened to fast, they were all destroyed. She had to rely on the data she had already taken, and the results were practically non-existent.

But underneath the worry and tiredness, she knew they were both avoiding the biggest problem; the real question. How were they going to tell Rex that the girl was gone?

He had never actually experienced the loss of someone he knew, and if he had before he came to Providence, they would never find out. How would he take it?

That wasn't important now. What mattered was making sure that Rex was okay and to track down the people behind all this. They were sure now, that there was a bigger force hidden in the shadows controlling the evo. While shipping it back to providence headquarters for containment and study, an unknown fleet had attacked the ship and had made off with the evo along with the possible solution to fixing Rex. White had been yelling at all their backs to find the culprit and to get Rex up and running.

Holiday narrowed her eyes in irritation. With anyone else, she would assume that White's yelling was a cover up for his worry for Rex, but this was White. He was probably just worried that his "weapon" would be damaged.

"Holiday, look at this." Six brought back Holiday from her inner reflection again. He was holding out a familiar sketch book, one Holiday remembered recently purchasing only a few days ago. Was it really only a few days? It seemed so much longer... A stab of pain pricked her heart and she pushed the thought away. Even though she had told herself not to grow attached to the girl, she had, and now she was suffering the consequences. The girl had just been too similar to Beverly as a child... and now she was gone.

Holiday quickly snatched the sketch book out of his outstretched hand and flipped through it. The first couple of pages were happy scenes of Holiday, Bobo, and Rex from the girl's perspective, meticulously drawn and beautifully colored. There was even a picture of a stern faced Six glaring at Rex and Bobo during dinner as they shoved food in each other's faces at the cafeteria. Why was Six showing her this? He wasn't the sentimental type.

She flipped forward and the content of the pictures changed. At first, Holiday thought she was looking at one of the providence medical bays and was wondering why Rex even brought her there, but then she saw the people in the beds. Or more like, the children and evos in the beds. The next few pictures grew darker and darker, half evo children screaming in pain, and always, in the background, a black shadow of a man. She shivered and looked up.

"What is this?"

"I believe it's the origination behind the girl and the other evo." He pulled out a well-worn piece of paper from his inside jacket pocket and handed it to her. "She knew that she would turn evo eventually. This was on my bed this morning."

Holiday unfolded the paper and saw a page from the sketch book of Six stabbing an evo in the back of the neck. She had seen footage after the fight of the girl, morphing into an evo and pursed her lips.

"Oh... Six..." Holiday trailed off, not knowing what to say. Luckily, he carried on.

"Look at the last page." He reached over and flipped to the correct drawing. It was a quick sketch of a man, messier than all the others. He looked like a harmless Japanese scientist, complete with the pristine lab coat and thick, clunky glasses, but the girl had drawn the dark shadow that had shown up in all the other drawings of this facility behind him, casting a sinister light on his face. Holiday narrowed her brow slightly. She knew this man... but couldn't quite remember how.

"This man..."

"His name is Kager Hoshitaki."

"You know him?"

"I know of him. I've never met him before. He looked familiar so I ran the drawing through the cross referencing data profiler and I got this." Six handed her a stapled report. She traded it for the book and flipped through the pages. Her frown grew more pronounced as she read on.

Kager Hoshitaki. 35 years of age; rejected from Providence on accounts of inhuman testing experiments. He had been involved in some illegal hacking scam that had stolen over 3 million total, the money never recovered. After he spent 3 years in jail, he simply vanished. There were no other records of him after that, last sighting in Indonesia. Her eyes paused on something in the personal section.

"I noticed he graduated from the same department as you."

Holiday raised an eyebrow. She hadn't expected Six to know where she had graduated from. She now remembered why the name was so familiar. Kager had been the awkward geek that the bigger brutes tended to pick on until the dissection experiment. He had been in some sort of trance and performed the whole thing with a sickly smile on his face, not wiping away the blood that had splattered onto his goggles and mouth. Even back then, he had given an aura of not being quite right in the head. Sure, the man had possibly been a genius, but there had always been a darker side to the smile.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Six." Holiday threw a quick glance at Rex. "I don't think we should tell Rex about him, not yet. He's still injured but when he finds out, he'll try to get revenge in any way he can, and he's not physically or mentally ready."

"Agreed. In the meantime, I'll try and contact some of my... old associates and find out Hoshitaki's location." He also glanced at Rex and his brow lowered a fraction. "Call me when Rex wakes up."

Holiday smiled. Although Six pretended not to care about his ward, it wasn't hard to see through the act. He fit the nanny role like a glove.

"Of course." Now if only Rex would wake up soon.

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