Generator Rex : Loss - Part 11

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Everything that happens in this fan-fiction, hence the name, from an avid fan for fans who would like some more Generator Rex content.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched the show or finished the show and do not want spoilers, do NOT read this. I'm not sure if it does contain spoilers, but better safe than sorry; come back after watching season one because this is before the second and third season.


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 11

He dashed forward - or he was supposed to - but a small tug on his coat jacket stopped him short. He spun around and was about to strike at the offender but saw a familiar tiny figure in an orange jacket. Against all odds, she had followed them again. He shook his head. He didn't have time for this; Rex's life was shrinking by the second.

The girl pulled from behind her a sketch book. Sadly smiling, she pushed it onto Six and darted off towards Rex and the struggling evo. For some reason, he recalled the previously received drawing now tucked away in his inner jacket pocket. Did it have any relation to the girl?

By now, she had reached the evo and Rex' normally blue glow was almost all red. Quickly the girl scampered up the evo's side and landed near the motionless teen. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and gently laid her hand on Rex's. The evo shook its head, confused, and let out a roar. The red glow receded until it had completely vanished and Rex slumped.

"Rex!" Six dashed towards his falling figure, sheathing his blades as Rex slowly slipped and dropped to the ground. Catching him, Six glanced up and saw the girl gesturing wildly. She then doubled over, her face screwed up tight.

'"Six? What did you do? Rex's bios are stable now."

"It wasn't me, it was her..."

Holiday was interrupted as the evo, who had shaken off its daze, roared back to life. Six dodged the flailing limbs as it smashed the ground.

"Six to providence, bring the jet to my current coordinates, now." About to retreat back, he remembered the girl. Somehow, she had saved Rex's life. He couldn't just leave her there. However, seeing that he was heading in her direction, she shook her head and adamantly pointed towards the waiting providence jet.

Her message was clear. Save Rex first. He hand jerked as the she spasmed. Then, she bent over backwards, her mouth open, eyes glowing red. An unearthly scream filled the air and Six watched in shock as the girl's body bulged and morphed into the evo from the drawing. He backed away and swiftly made his way to the open jet door. They could barely handle one evo, now they had to deal with two without Rex?

The girl, now evo, thrashed on top of the other evo for a moment and landed in front of it, blocking its path. They both roared and screeched at each other, then leaped, attacking whatever part of the other they could reach. It was no contest.

The original evo, already injured and tired from trying to control Rex was no match for the girl, who was fresh and smaller, able to dodge all the other's attacks.

"Fall back, I repeat, fall back." Six shouted the order as the Jet hovered in the air. The evo's fight was causing buildings to crash down while there were providence agents who were still there. No one could do anything now, the fight was on too large a scale. Holiday's voice came back up, sounding worried and a little frantic at not knowing what was going on. The smoke and dust had been obscuring the cameras for some time now.

"Six? What's happening?"

"The girl turned."

Holiday paled, what had gone so wrong? Everything was crumbling at once, her memory flashing back to her sister. This couldn't be happening again. Six's voice brought her back from her daze.

"Somehow, she's remained conscious and is engaging the hostile evo."

"What? But- that's not possible!"

"It is now."

Six silently watched the fight, seeing providence agents regrouping below, waiting for the order to attack. Something was wrong. The girl's movements were slowly starting to become more wild, her hits slightly more sluggish. She was slipping and starting to lose control.

"Holiday, how are Rex's bios looking now?"

"Not good, Six. They're stable, but they're still at a 65% drop."

The girl roared and pounced on the evo's side, gouging a chunk of plated armor and flesh out of it. With a wail, it tried to stand, but it had sustained too may injuries. Finally, it's legs buckled and didn't rise. The providence agents below cheered, but Six watched the girl warily. She had started shaking, emitting strange high pitched sounds every few seconds. A few providence agents were moving in closer to secure the unconscious hostile.

"No, stay back." Six barked the order into his comm but it was too late. The girl had lost control, springing on the moving agents and crushing them. There were screams rising up and Six grit his teeth. He now had a very good idea on why he had been given the drawing. Someone knew that this would happen, and had given him the perfect way to stop her..

"Permission to engage new hostile target." He contacted White.

"Permission granted. You know the drill, Six."

He leapt down again, his heart heavy, and approached the girl. She slowly turned to face him, twitching, her eyes flickering red. For the last time, she gazed at Six, a deep sorrow in her eyes, then let out a pained scream and charged.

Six briefly closed his eyes behind his sunglasses, his heart and fist clenching, then opened them again. There was no other option. They couldn't subdue her, the tranq darts couldn't pierce her armored skin; she was already gone; simply a mindless, destructive evo.

Before she reached him, he leaped up ono her back and raised his blades. Pausing for the slightest moment, he head a child's voice softly whisper through the wind. It was so quiet he could have imagined it, his brain trying to justify what he was about to do.

"Thank you..."

Six plunged his blades - copying the drawing - into the back of the girl's neck. There was no scream, no blood, it seemed simply as if she had powered down and she fell to the ground with an earthshaking crash. The battle was finally over. It had been less than an hour, but everyone had aged an eternity.

A curse came from Holiday, rarely heard often.

"Six, what's happening to the girl?"


"The nanite samples I had from her just self-destructed!"

He looked down and noticed sand like material blowing away under his feet. He rapidly jumped off and saw the girl was slowly disintegrating, until he watched her crumble away into nothing.

"She's dead."

"What do you mean, she's dead?"

Six let out a heavy breath and picked Bobo up on his way back to the jet.


"I killed her."

There was a silence that Six broke when he disconnected the call.

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