Generator Rex : Loss - Part 15

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Everything that happens in this fan-fiction, hence the name, is from an avid fan for fans who would like some more Generator Rex content.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, but if you don't know that by now, have you even been reading this?


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 15

Rex took a deep breath and stared at the shadow, willing the owner to hurry up and leave. Time seemed to stretch for an eternity before Rex heard the unknown person walk off down the hallway. He slowly exhaled.

"Who are you?" A high voice cut through the darkness and Rex jumped, inhaling so fast that it went down the wrong pipe and he coughed. Swiveling around, he squinted, trying to find the speaker, but was blinded as the lights were switched on.

"Who are you?" The question was repeated as Rex blinked away the spots from his eyes and looked down to the side. A boy, about eight or nine, was standing with a pale hand on the light switch. He stared at Rex with cold, dull eyes.

"Uh... my name is Rex, what's yours?" Rex stuck out a hand to the child, but the kid simply stared until Rex slowly let it drop.

"I am Twon-oh."

"Twon-oh, huh. Nice name, are you from Korea?" There was no response and Rex was beginning to feel slightly unnerved. "Okaaay, I'll take that as a no."

"You are new."

The way Twon spoke showed that this was a definite statement and not a question. "You are not supposed to be here."

"It's cool! I... I'm new here so I got lost!" Rex put on a panicked smile while wildly trying to come up with a plausible explanation. "Maybe you can show me where to go?"

The black haired boy shook his head and pointed to the floor. Rex's gaze trailed down until it came to rest on a black, metal cuff, tightly cutting to Twon's bony ankle. He shifted and a clanging drew Rex's attention to the wall, where the cuff was chained to.

"You are new. You will not have a key."

Rex's fist clenched. This kid was a prisoner. He tried bringing out his BFS, but still, nothing happened. It was as if he could feel his nanites starting up, but couldn't connect to them. A gust of air escaped from his mouth and he absentmindedly moved a hand to ruffle Twon's hair. However, he froze when Twon flinched. Those grey doll-like eyes were wide open and fear was reflected in them. Rex dropped his hand and grinned reassuringly instead.

"I'll get you out of here, you'll be safe. I promise."

There was no reaction and Twon simply moved towards the lumpy, iron bed, stiffly sitting down. Lingering for a moment, Rex glanced at him, then steeled his posture and slipped out the door.

Luckily, no one was there; the owner of the footsteps seemed to have vanished. He needed to find something to bring back to Providence as well as a way out. Hopefully, he wouldn't get caught in the process.


A dark figure, clothed in a black full body suit approached a small man who was humming while holding a pair of garden sheers. The small man snipped, and paused, snipping again. He was in front of what appeared to be a bonsai tree, but the branches were twisted in grotesque shapes that reminded one of a screaming, tortured soul.

"Sir, there is an intruder on the premises."

"Oh, we have some guests? Who could it be?"

"The boy, sir. Providence's secret weapon."

The sheers closed on a thick branch with a sharp snap, letting a section of the tree collapse. The man didn't seem to notice, and he spun around, the sheers held in his hand like a weapon. His glasses gleamed and he gasped.


"Yes, sir."

"Oh dear, oh dear!" He dropped the tool down on the desk in front of him and tugged on his pristine white lab coat. "R-Rex? Here! But, I'm not ready! I have to prepare snacks and lodging!"

"He is heading for the file room, sir."

"Oh, good, good. Wonderful! Let him play for a while, then bring him to the parlor. Would you be a dear and fetch my tie? The red one will do."

The black clothed man stiffly approached and picked up a crimson tie from the desk, handing it to the small man, who put it on with a flourish of his hands.

"Yes, perfect, perfect! I do hope Rex will like it, do you think he will?" He let out a high pitched giggle and bounced out the door, tugging on his coat once more. "Rex, I'm just dying to meet you!"


"Jackpot!" Rex grinned to himself as he opened a file cabinet drawer. After searching through various rooms with no luck, he finally chanced upon this one. It was full of filing cabinets and Rex knew from spending time with Holiday that filing cabinets held a wealth of information.

He fanned out the files, which were all numbered, and chose one at random, skimming through the contents.

"232?" He was holding he file of an experiment; the picture of a child stared sullenly back at him. Where the name was supposed to be was only a number. 232. He slipped it back into place and pulled out another one. It was the same thing. No name, just a number. All the pictures in the multiple files showed children, some heavily disfigured or injured.

225, 218, 210...

He glanced inside the 210 file and saw Twon staring back at him. Twon-oh. Two one oh. 210. Rex stared dumbly at the file, reading the case reports. Line after line of failures and nanite modification results. He paused at a small entry on the last page.

Experiment 210, stage 4 of nanite reconstruction. Limb cut off : arm. Subject felt massive amounts of pain, but successfully managed to survive the regrowth process. Evo form not activated. Expected life span : 1 year. Next test : one week.

Following that were pictures of the experiment and Rex gagged. The sicko really did cut off Twon's arm, then strapped him to a table. With shaking hands, he closed the file and opened the next one.

209. The girl looked blankly back at him from the first age. He narrowed his eyes and steeled himself, skimming through the entries. At the end, the final entry only held one word. Deceased.

What did this mean? Did providence fake the girl's death so that this organization wouldn't look for her? But according to the file on this mission, they didn't even know if this place existed for sure.

A hiss interrupted his concentration and Rex spun around, dropping the folder. A blunt object smashed into his skull and Rex saw stars appear. The shadowy figure went in for the second hit but Rex rolled to the left and built his smack hands.

Well, he tried to build his smack hands, forgetting his nanites weren't responding. The figure put something to Rex's mouth and he felt his vision fading, until there was only cold blackness.

Generator Rex : LossWhere stories live. Discover now