Generator Rex : Loss - Part 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Everything that happens in this fan-fiction, hence the name, is from an avid fan for fans who would like some more Generator Rex content.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched the show or finished the show and do not want spoilers, do NOT read this. I'm not sure if it does contain spoilers, but better safe than sorry; come back after watching season one because this is before the second and third season.

Time: This fan-fiction takes place after the last episode of season one, after they rebuilt providence.


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 4

After a pit stop to Rex's bathroom, where they spent some time because she found Rex's bath toys, the girl emerged wearing the clothes Holiday had produced. They were too large on her and the sleeves and pants fully covered her hands and feet, so it looked like she was drowning in a sea of white fabric. Her hair was also neatly combed, which proved to be almost as hard a task as Rex's own hair. He had to admit, she looked kind of cute, waddling after him in her over-sized shirt. They both were making their way back to his room when he heard a familiar beeping coming from his communicator. He pressed the accept button.

"Rex, we've got a situation." Six's voice came through, sharp and tinny.

"Got it, I'm on my way."

"Meet me at the jump jet."

The call disconnected and Rex quickly ushered in the girl to his room. She looked back, surprised when Rex turned to leave and grabbed the edge of his jacket. He paused and gently pushed her back into the room

"Woah, uh, you need to stay here. I'll be right back!"

The door closed and he locked it, instructing the mechanics to open only when he came back. Rex felt bad for locking her in, but she might wander off and get into trouble if someone found her. Taking his hand off the door, Rex dashed towards the Providence garage where Six was waiting with the jump jet. He hopped inside and the engines started up. They walked towards the front cockpit while the door closed and the small communication screen zapped on, White's face appearing on the screen in high definition.

"Right now, there's a level 6 evo running loose on the fields. We're lucky it isn't in a heavily populated area. Find it and contain it."

"Level 6?!" Rex remembered that the numbers were backwards, so higher was weaker, and he calmed down.

"Why do you need me for this? I though Providence could handle it?"

White Knight glared at Rex. "This evo has... different abilities. Providence soldiers can't hold it down long enough to capture it."

"Ohhh, so you brought in the big guns then! It's cool."

Rex flashed a self-satisfied cocky grin and White Knight grimaced.

"Just capture it or take it down. White Knight out."

Rex sat in one of the seats, strapping himself in. After a while, Six looked up from his device and narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you bring her?"

"Who?" Rex looked around and spotted a small figure near the back of the jet, peering anxiously back. Rex's eyes popped open.

"Wha- how... I'm sure I...?!" How had she gotten out of the locked room and onto the ship without anyone noticing? "Six, I'm sure I locked her in my room before I left!"

Generator Rex : LossWhere stories live. Discover now