Generator Rex : Loss - Part 14

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Disclaimer: I don't own, as usual. [see other chapters for full Disclaimer]

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, but if you don't know that by now, have you even been reading this?

I notice I use "com" a lot, especially in this chapter. I'm not sure if it's the official abbreviation, but for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, when I say com, I mean the communicator that Rex or the other agents have in their ears. I also refer to it as an ear-piece. Happy reading.


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 14

Swishing through the lab door, Holiday pushed a loose tendril of hair away from her face. It was the middle of the night and here she was, at Providence. She wouldn't have been here at all if she could have helped it, but her bag was sitting on her chair with her car keys nestled inside.

After being cornered by Six in the Petting Zoo, Holiday hadn't returned to the lab. She couldn't force herself to feel like working, and there was a chance that she would run into Rex, so she had escaped, biding her time at lunch and hiding away in a store.

She entered and the lights flickered on. The sight that greeted her stopped her dead in her tracks. There was a mess of papers on the floor and the faint smell of smoke in the air. What the hell had happened? Stooping to pick some up, she noticed her table had also been shifted from its original position. Who had been in here and why hadn't the alarm sounded?

Finally gathering all the loose papers and putting them onto her now messy desk, Holiday spotted the slim, white, paper cup on the edge of a different table. Approaching it with a cautious hand, she lifted the cooled cup to eye level. The rich smell of coffee wafted from the small hole in the lid and she gave a wary smile. Did Six get this for her? But wasn't he angry?

Twisting the cup around, she narrowed her eyes at the messily scrawled message and crooked smiley face. "Cheer up. – The awesome and incredibly macho man" Holiday's head snapped to the disturbed desk and the pile of papers. She had left Kager's case file on her desk, forgetting to store it properly or take it home. It should still be there unless –

She frantically shuffled the papers, banging open drawer after drawer. No such luck. It was gone, most likely along with Rex, who had, no doubt, upon seeing it, decided to go check out the guy who had abused the girl.

Her com rang and Holiday's hand flew up to accept the call.


"... No. I was going to ask if he was with you, but I see you don't know where he is either. I can't contact him." Six's voice came through the speaker and she sagged against the edge of the table.

"Six... the case file on Kager is missing. I think he found it and went looking for him."

There was silence on the other end, interrupted after a few seconds by Six's, "understood" and a click, signifying the end of the call. Holiday closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Not again.

"Oh Rex... please be okay."


A tinny snatch of rock music cut through the air as Rex flew towards the destination. He continued zooming forward while rummaging through his pocket, emerging triumphantly with a phone.


"Hey, Rex!"

"Oh, what's up Noah?"

"Dude, where are you? I thought you were coming over to make game plans. My date is tomorrow! Claire is going to kill me if I don't have something great planned out."

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