Generator Rex : Loss - Part 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Everything that happens in this fan-fiction, hence the name, from an avid fan for fans who would like some more generator rex content.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched the show or finished the show and do not want spoilers, do NOT read this. I'm not sure if it does contain spoilers, but better safe than sorry; come back after watching season one because this is before the second and third season.

Time: This fan-fiction takes place after the last episode of season one, after they rebuilt providence.


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 3

Rex blinked. The girl blinked. Rex blinked again, and the girl mimicked. They were both currently seated across from one another on the floor of Rex's room, both staring at each other.

"Well, this isn't awkward at all."

How had they gotten into this situation? He was relying on Bobo to say no, but he surprisingly wasn't any help at all. Rex recalled the conversation that he had placed his hopes on.

"Whaaaat, I have to share a room with another stinkin' human? Your man-stink already fills up the place, plenty enough."

"I know! That's what I tried telling Doc!"

Bobo stiffened at the mention of Holiday then quickly turned around.

"Well, orders are orders."

"What?!" Rex suspiciously glared at Bobo. "You..." he grabbed the monkey's head and tugged, hard.

"Hey!" Bobo shook off Rex's hands and scowled. "I'm not Robo Bobo, if that's what you're thinking. What – you want to check my butt for a camera?"

"No, I'm good!" Rex shuddered "But you're acting so... so... so not like Bobo!"

"Sorry kid, my hands are tied. All four of em'! Now if you don't mind, I've got a date."

"With a girl?"

"With an extra smokin' hot chimichanga. Ciao." Rubbing his belly in anticipation, Bobo loped off leaving Rex stranded.

Rex shook his head and groaned, putting his head into his hands. Bobo was acting strange, but he couldn't do anything about it right now. He peeked up and the girl was still staring intently at him.

"Uhhhh... this is getting a little creepy..."

The girl's eyes widened and she looked away. Rex cringed inwardly.

"Oh nonono, it's not you... it's... uggggg. Six, how do you do this?! Uh... Do you want to play some video games?"

She looked back at Rex with her head tilted to the side, a questioning look in her eyes.

"You... do know what video games are, right?"

She shook her head and Rex jumped up excitedly, dragging the girl into place in front of his flat screen TV and sitting her down on a chair. Handing her a controller, he went to power up the gaming console.

"Oh man, you're going to love this! Here, press these buttons to play."

Rex sat down on the low reclining chair beside the girl and expertly maneuvered the controls. He decided to give her thirty rounds before he would actually start counting the score. Finally he would win and beat someone at this game! Wait until Noah heard about this, no longer would he be an all-time looser. Maybe wining against a beginner was a teeny tiny bit cheap, but hey, a win was a win after all.

Unfortunately, not all went as planned. 20 rounds later, he was jaw-dropped in disbelief, controller hanging off his hands, as the "YOU LOSE" text that had ingrained itself into his eyes flashed on his side of the screen for the 11th time in a row. The girl kicked her legs up and down in a silent victory, looking, for a moment, like a normal child, albeit a slightly grimy one. How bad could he be at this game?! Going on full-out pout mode, he stood up and put on a pompous air, imitating Holiday.

"Playing video games all the time isn't healthy. We should take a break." Rex stopped stock still and shuddered. Did he actually just say that? He was starting to sound like an old fogie! Responsibility was a scary thing. "Come on, Six will be here soon to enforce his stupid lights out powers. I'll give you a quick tour of the place."

Wait, Holiday had said that White shouldn't know about the girl or she might get kicked out... Well, he could always short out the cameras for a few minutes. As an added bonus, he might get to annoy White as well.

The girl obediently laid her controller gently onto the chair she had just vacated and slipped her hand into Rex's. Again, a warm feeling arose in his chest and he gave her a true smile.

"Okay, now departing on the Rex deluxe tour bus! First stop, the Hive, Providence's central command center, home to the most boring morning meetings in the world."

She laughed silently and as they walked out, he wondered if this was what it was like to have a little sister; it wasn't that bad. He felt that he could get used to this.

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