Generator Rex : Loss - Part 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Everything that happens in this fan-fiction, hence the name, is from an avid fan for fans who would like some more Generator Rex content.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched the show or finished the show and do not want spoilers, do NOT read this. I'm not sure if it does contain spoilers, but better safe than sorry; come back after watching season one because this is before the second and third season.


Generator Rex : Loss – Part 7

The ball arced through the air bouncing off the basketball base board and falling with a loud bounce onto the ground. Noah snickered.

"That's an S for you. Get ready for the all-time score to be 54 – nothing."

Rex groaned as Noah snatched the ball and sank a three pointer shot. They were currently playing Horse, Rex having snuck out of Providence again to visit Noah. The girl was sitting on a bench nearby, feet dangling, scribbling away on her sketch pad. Noah lowered his voice and gestured with his head at her.

"So, what's with the kid?"

"It's... complicated. Let's just say I'm on babysitting duty."

"So how's that working out for you?" Noah snorted as Rex missed the hoop completely in an attempt to shoot from Noah's previous position. "... And that's an E. I win, again."

"What! I call a rematch!"

"Sure, get ready to lose... again!"

As they set up the next game, Rex glanced over to the oblivious girl then gave a lopsided smile.

"It's been pretty nice actually."

"Really? Okay, that's cool. That's an H for you."


Six and Holiday were in the lab, Holiday facing the monitors - something she seemed to be doing more and more often these days. She was frowning, looking over her data on the girl.

"You wanted to see me?" Six's face was taciturn per usual and her face relaxed into a wry smile.

"Ever the poker face, Six. Did you find any information regarding the girl?"

Six's brow furrowed.

"No, not yet. Why?"'

"I hate to say this, but you might be right about her."

"What do you mean?"

"There's a possibility that... she was created specifically to control Rex. She has no records, which means that she could have been raised in a privately funded lab and the fact that she can hack other nanites..." Holiday explained to Six about all of her conclusive research findings, and though painfully incomplete it still painted an alarming picture about the girl; a perfect, innocent, package raised to control or kill Rex. Six started immediately towards the door, both of them knowing full well that Rex had snuck out to play Basketball with Noah, but Holiday stopped him with a cautionary hand.

"Wait, Six. I don't think she's a threat yet. She could have acted at any time but she hasn't done anything. I don't want to alarm Rex until we're completely sure."

Six frowned, unhappy with this but he consented, knowing that Rex was attached to the child. A betrayal such as this one would shake his naive belief that people could be trusted.

"Fine. I'll keep a close eye on her and try to find out more on the person behind all this."

He noticed deep bags under her eyes. "You look tired. You should get some rest."

"I know, but this is the most progress I've seen on a path to curing nanites! The program may be destructive now, but if further researched, this could lead to a cure. Maybe even for the incurable!" She smiled warily. "But thanks for your concern. I guess I do need a break."

The waited, facing each other in awkward silence, and then Six abruptly nodded, turned, and left. Holiday sighed. The nanite program wasn't the only thing that needed cracking open; if only Six would be as easy to solve.

Generator Rex : LossWhere stories live. Discover now