Generator Rex : Loss - Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Generator Rex Characters or franchise. Everything that happens in this fan-fiction, hence the name, is from an avid fan for fans who would like some more Generator Rex content.

WARNING: This might contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched the show or finished the show and do not want spoilers, do NOT read this. I'm not sure if it does contain spoilers, but better safe than sorry; come back after watching season one because this is before the second and third season.

Time: This fan-fiction takes place after the last episode of season one, after they rebuilt providence.


Generator Rex : Loss - Part 1

Wild, carefree whooping could be heard, mixed in with an ear splitting roar reverberating through the empty city. Rex was in the sky, flying circles around an airborne, bird-like evo. Roaring again, it lashed out a gleaming talon in his direction.

"Oh no you don't!" Rex switched from his turbo wings to his mechanical hands and caught the foot, metal screeching against nail. Pulling it down, he threw the evo towards a figure clad all in green. "Six, one order of butt-ugly chicken nugget heading your way!"

Six jumped off his hover-board, brandishing his blades, and sliced through the evo's left wing, landing neatly back onto the moving board.

"Finally! We've been at this for over an hour already!" Rex switched back to his wings and watched the evo, who was flapping wildly with only one wing, struggle to stay up. Six was still at the alert.

"Rex, pay attention. Hurry up and cure it."

"What's the rush?" Rex lounged back, slowly drifting down, catching his breath. "Bird brain over there isn't going anywhere."

There was a hint of annoyance in Six's voice as he took his eyes off the evo and onto Rex. "...Rex- Watch out!"

The evo shuddered and its cut off wing stump glowed golden. Then, with a burst of light, it grew back. Rex's mouth dropped open as Six charged at the evo again.

"Wha- you've got to be kidding me!" Rex groaned and gathered back his wits around him, shaking his head back and forth.

"Rex, wait. Fall back. We need to regroup and think of a way to take this thing down."

"No, wait! I can do this; just... just give me a sec!"

Rex pulled down his goggles over his eyes and adjusted them into place, zooming towards the fleeing evo. Speeding up, he deactivated his wings and latched onto its back, hanging onto it; a hard feat considering it wanted nothing to do with Rex and was wildly bucking to get him off. Rex punched it with his bare hands, permeating each hit with a grunt.

"Just... let... me... cure you!" Rex slammed his hand onto the bird-like evo's head and grit his teeth, trying to get his nanites to cure the dang thing.

It slowly stopped moving and started shrinking, feathered wings becoming hands and talons morphing back into feet.

"Booh yeah! Another day's work done, city saved; you're welcome!"

Activating his turbo wings again, Rex caught the falling man but his eyes widened when he saw another figure dropping fast.

"Six! Catch!" Tossing the man in Six's general direction, Rex dove towards the person. On a closer inspection, she seemed to be a small child, and soon to be a permanent part of the pavement if he didn't book it. Speeding up, Rex strained, thrusters sparking, but he wasn't going to make it at this rate; time to work from a different angle. Retracting his wings, he switched it out in exchange for his blast caster, snagging the girl with the whip. Jerking his hand up, Rex pulled the girl into his arms, and landed with the usual pavement shattering crash, his super boots cushioning the fall.

"Annnnnd, safe! Touchdown! The amazing Rex does it again! I think I deserve some pizza for this."

Six came down to street level and stepped off the hover-board, the newly cured man hanging over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Six to providence, mission accomplished." While Six was contacting providence headquarters, Rex took a closer look at the small girl in his arms. She looked to be about eight or nine years old and was shoeless, wearing a tattered, filthy pink shirt and blood spotted beige shorts. Her jet black hair was snarled and tangled, but what attracted Rex's attention were the scars that ran all around her throat. His brow furrowed at the severity of the claw marks, but Six interrupted his train of thought.

"...ex...Rex!" Six was staring impatiently, the cured man no longer unconscious, and gestured at the girl curled up in Rex's arms. "Give the girl back to her father. We're going back to headquarters for debriefing."

Rex retracted his super boots and was about to hand over the girl but the man backed up warily with his hands up.

"W-what are you giving her to me for?!"

Six cocked an eyebrow. "Isn't this your daughter?"

"I've never seen her before in my life! If you don't mind, I'll be going home now." The man ran off and Rex stepped up, next to Six, staring glumly at the man's retreating back.

"Man, what a jerk. I just saved his life!" Six ignored Rex's ranting and was clearly thinking of what to do with the girl. The only person they thought they could dump her on had just run off, and she was still unconscious, rendering her unable to tell them about any family or relation. This reminded him of an eerily similar situation in the past that led up to the teen standing next to him... Rex cleared his throat trying to get the attention of the distracted Six.

"Ahem... Earth to Six... Hello?"


"Can we take her back to headquarters with us?"

Six paused, probably blinking in incredulity – it was hard to tell with the sunglasses – and opened his mouth, probably to tell Rex he was crazy; however, Rex quickly interrupted him.

"It's not what you think! I just want Doc to take a look at her. When I cured that evo... there was something strange about the nanites. I think she's the reason."

Staring for another long while with narrowed brows, Six finally assented and sighed.

"White Knight won't like this."

"Since when do I care about what White thinks?" With a cocky grin, Rex sauntered off towards the waiting providence airship, still gently cradling the mystery girl in his arms. After a subtle shaking of his head and a frown, Six followed.

Generator Rex : LossWhere stories live. Discover now