33. Wedding Discussions

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Once Teddy got comfortable with the duo, he just wouldn't leave their laps. He was now more happy to be in Hermione's lap than Draco's which was a bit shocking but pleasant all the same for Hermione.

Together, everyone sat down for dinner. Before anyone could start, Stefano got up and clinked his spoon and his wine glass, gaining everyone's attention.

"Before we begin, the main aim of this gathering is a small announcement. Um.. well.. Within a few months time, this little Teddy here is going to have some company." He said with a goofy smile while Aria was looking down and her cheeks heated up.

Narcissa understood while Lucius just gave him confused looks. Andromeda also didn't get the point. Hermione was busy feeding Teddy with her hands so she didn't carefully listen to what he said, Teddy was pulling her hair, distracting her.

"What do you mean? Speak clearly." Lucius said with a straight face but when he saw Narcissa smirking, he thought about something but wanted to clear his doubts.

"Er.. I.. um.. actually we.." Stefano stuttered but was cut off when Aria finally spoke.

"I am pregnant!" She almost shrieked not able to handle the awkward stares.

After a few seconds of silence, Narcissa quickly got up and went to hug Aria.

The hug was thankfully returned. Everyone got up and congratulated the would-be-parents. Among the chaos of greetings and hugs, no one but Draco noticed Lucius subtly trying to wipe his teary eyes. He made his way to his father and just smiled at him. Lucius too smiled and answered Draco's unasked question.

"I am happy for her. She deserves it. A big burden has been lifted off my shoulders." Lucius smiled and kept his hand on Draco's shoulder. Draco nodded with a small knowing smile. He understood what his father is going through.

Lucius then went to Aria and embraced her in his brotherly hug. She smiled while hugging him back. Tears of joy and happiness flowed from her eyes. Stefano patted her back soothingly to calm her down. They pulled apart and Lucius gently kissed her forehead.

"Aria, my sister, I am so happy for you. You too, Stef. Take proper care of my little sister. I don't want to see her sad and troubled." Lucius said. Stefano nodded with a broad smile.

Finally they sat down and had their dinner. Midway between the desserts, Narcissa raised this question.

"How far along are you?" Narcissa asked Aria.

"2 months." Aria answered.

"You didn't tell me before?" Lucius frowned.

"I got to know last week and I was waiting for the god parents of the child to graduate." She answered and turned to look at Draco and Hermione who had confused looks on their faces while she just smirked.

"Will you both do this?" She asked.

"Of course! It's an honour. Thank you." Hermione replied after a pause and Draco just wrapped his arms around her shoulders and shrugged with a grin.

"Do we have a choice?" He asked and Hermione nudged him in his ribs.

"No!" Aria and Hermione yelled in unison. Everyone else chuckled.

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