3. Nightmares

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"I can't believe it! It's amazing." said Hermione.

"I agree. This year is going to be fun!" he exclaimed.

"Want some hot chocolate?" asked Hermione.

He nodded eagerly. She chuckled at his behaviour. She definitely knew some alien Draco for all those years. They both went in. She summoned all the required ingredients for making hot chocolate. With the flick of her wand, the chocolate melted itself and some milk was being poured and some sugar was added in the bowl. She then took this bowl to the stove. She heated it thoroughly. Draco took out two mugs from the cabinet and placed them on the counter near the stove. Hermione poured a generous amount in both the mugs.

They both took seats on the dining table. Slowly, they sipped their hot chocolate. After finishing his mug eagerly, Draco developed a brown moustache of chocolate. Hermione grinned widely at this sight.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

"You have a chocolate moustache. Wipe it off. Here." She said handing him a napkin.

He took the napkin and wiped his face clean. After finishing her mug of hot chocolate, Hermione stood up and took both their mugs to the sink. She charmed them to wash themselves and after drying them, she placed them back in the cabinet.

Draco stood there staring at her. He thought that she was very experienced with household chores. She will make a good wife who knows how to manage the kitchen. He mentally slapped himself for thinking like this. Women were not only meant for being in the kitchen. How could he be so prejudiced and chauvinistic? He smack himself mentally once more.
After having switched off the lights, they came out and she shut the door behind her.

"Thank you for the hot chocolate." Draco said.

"Oh it's alright. Thank you for giving company." She replied.

"The honour is mine. I wouldn't mind doing it again." he muttered under his breath.

"Did you say something? " She asked.

"Oh nothing. The pleasure is mine." He replied. She just smiled.

"Alright then. We have classes tomorrow morning. We must rest, and don't forget to brush your teeth before going to bed. We wouldn't want cavities, do we?" said Hermione.

"You are right. Night Hermione. Sleep well." he said and proceeded towards his room. He heard her say 'Good night Draco. You too.'

He closed his door and went to the bath room to change and brush his teeth. He climbed into his bed which was very comfortable and warm. He was thinking about their first day of school together today. It was nice to have her by your side. She was nothing less than a girl whom a man wished as his companion. Did he fancy her? Oh yes, he surely did since their fourth year. Did he love her? He didn't know the answer but one thing was for sure. He didn't want to lose her company. He slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hermione, after shutting the door was thinking about what Draco said earlier. She had pretended to not hear him but she heard him clearly. He wouldn't mind accompanying her again. But then he changed his statement when she asked him. Whatever it was, she was surprised that even she wouldn't mind being accompanied by him. She didn't want to lose him as a friend. He was a very good company. She wondered how it was possible for her to be so attached to him in just half a day. After all, he was the one who always made her cry by his retorts and remarks. But then she was Hermione Granger. She was soft at heart and always considered things for people's perspectives as well as hers before saying something or doing something. She was very kind at heart. No intentions of hurting anyone.

FAITH AND TRUE LOVE (Dramione)✔| CompletedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum