29. Granger Time

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(Hermione's parents' house)

The next two days passed quickly. Today Hermione and Draco were going to St. Mungo's for the final check up after the course of potion was over. The appointment was in the morning. Then they would go to meet the Grangers for lunch. It had been a long time since Hermione had met her parents.

Hermione and Draco would then join Harry, Ginny and the others for shopping and then the bachelor and bachelorette parties at the Grimmauld Place and the Burrow respectively. The wedding was in 2 days. It was supposed to be on 24th of December. Today was 22nd.

After breakfast, Draco and Hermione went to St. Mungo's. There, they met Richard Newman, Hermione's Healer. He checked her vitals and other things.

"Congratulations to both of you. The potions was prepared precisely and it has done it's magic. She is perfectly fine. Everything is normal. You might feel weaknesses at times but otherwise it's all good. Take the rejuvenating potion just for today. You are free to do everything now. Take care and some rest too." He said with a broad smile.

Draco was simply very happy. Now, there was no fear of losing her. She was all his. More importantly, she was hale and hearty now. Hermione smiled at Draco and then at Richard.

"Thank you so much doctor. You too take care. Bye." She replied and got up.

"Thank you sir. I'll let father know about your fees so he can transfer it to you Gringotts account. Once again, thank you. Take care." Draco said and shook hands with the Healer.

"Of course Mr. Malfoy." He said with a warm smile. "Take care dear." He said turning towards Hermione. She nodded in response, and together they left the cabin hand in hand.

After exiting the hospital, they sat in the car that was waiting for them. After an hour of drive, they pulled up in front of the Granger household.

Hermione was very excited to meet her parents and show them that she had recovered completely and was now free from any lethal illnesses. She almost sprinted after getting down from the car towards the wooden door.

Draco called out for her to slow down but she wouldn't. She quickly knocked once she had gained her breath. Draco stood behind her. The door opened and there stood Jean Granger wiping her hands on the apron. She didn't have time to respond as Hermione pulled her mom into a very tight hug. Draco was smiling seeing Hermione so happy. Jean grinned and wrapped her arms around Hermione's small back.

"Who's there Jean?" Came her father's voice. Hermione pulled away from her mother and ran to hug her father. He was taken aback on seeing her on her feet and happy. He instantly wrapped his arms around her. He then slowly carressed her hair and just absorbed her presence. His daughter was in his arms after a long time.

"Dad, I missed you so much.. How are you?" Hermione asked slightly pulling back with a broad smile.

"How do you expect me to be when I knew my daughter was in pain and there was no way I could do anything to help her? You probably can't even imagine a father's helplessness..." he said with a sigh, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

Hermione hugged him again, a little more tightly as if to assure him of her presence and well-being.

"Dad, I am fine. I am right here with you. I am not going anywhere leaving you alone. I am sorry." She said.

FAITH AND TRUE LOVE (Dramione)✔| CompletedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum