20. Friends in need

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It was lunch time. Darwin had informed them that their friends had come and were currently sitting in the living room.

"Drake, is it fine that we reveal the truth after we all have had our lunch? I don't want to spoil the meal." Hermione told him when he was pushing her chair towards the Manor.

"Of course love. You are so caring. I am so lucky. You always think about everyone before you. So selfless." he said with a big smile toying at his lips. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. He could feel her smile against his lips. He was also smiling. They then broke apart. Grinning like idiots.

"I consider myself lucky that I have you. You too are so loving and caring. I couldn't ask for any better person. I love you, Draco and always will for eternity." She pulled him forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you too 'Mione!" he said and kissed her forehead. They made their way to the living room to find all their friends waiting for them.

"Hey guys!" Hermione greeted everyone and made her presence know. All of them turned their heads and got up from the couches. They hugged her and Draco turn by turn after greeting them.

Draco was standing behind her chair. Harry looked at him as if to ask 'What's wrong?' His emarald green eyes full of concern.
Draco mouthed the words 'Later'. Harry nodded. Everybody sat down and talked for a while. They told Draco and Hermione about everything they had missed in school. They laughed together as though all of them had forgotten the reason they were at the Manor.

Narcissa and Lucius were going to have lunch in their room as to give the kids some privacy. They were soon seated at the large oak dinner table. It was intricately carved. Draco sat at the head of the table and Hermione beside him.

They continued talking and eating the delicious varieties of food made by the elves. Harry's wedding was also being discussed. It was supposed to take place on Christmas Eve. Draco and Ron were going to be the Best Men. Draco accepted the offer willingly. Hermione was going to be the Maid of honour. All other girls to be Bridesmaids and the boys were going to be Groomsmen. Hermione was reluctant to accept but Draco squeezed her hand in assurance. She then accepted it.

Desserts were served and relished quickly. Now, Draco was nervous because he was supposed to break the news to their friends. His hands were all sweaty and clammy. Hermione gave him a reassuring smile and a quick peck on his lips.

"Guys, we have something to tell you. But you have to promise us that you won't be mad at us for not telling you all earlier. We thought it would be best to tell everyone together. So.. Uhm.. uh.." Draco stuttered.

"What is it Draco? Say it quickly. You are making me sick with worry. Don't hesitate." it was Harry who spoke with a clear expression of worry and concern.

"Well, I actually don't know where to start. It's like We were kidnapped during our Hogsmead trip. I am sure you guys would be aware about it. So, I was cursed and Hermione was tortured multiple times with several hexes and curses. One of them was cast by me under the Imperious Curse. I swear I wasn't aware about it or else I wouldn't even dream about me doing anything like that to Hermione. Um, it's a newly invented spell with virtually no remedies or antidotes except one. It's a spell which hampers the systems of the victims body. It's like gradual shutting down of systems'"

"In short, I am dying. I may have probably a month or two before I have to say goodbye to this world and all of you." She cut him off and concluded his nervous speech. Everyone was dead silent as the words sank in.

FAITH AND TRUE LOVE (Dramione)✔| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now