22. Bloody Letter

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"Draco, open the letter quick! I don't think it's something to be ignored seeing Lucius's face. Come here."
Draco nodded and quickly made his way to the bed. He helped Hermione sit up comfortably and sat down beside her. He opened the letter.

Dear Hermione and Draco,

We have this last opportunity to talk to you. Consider this as the last letter from us as we see death at our doorstep.

Some people in black clothes and masks came to our room in the hotel and they hurt us. One of them was some woman named Aria, we came to know when they had a little argument about letting us write this last letter. They have their wands at our necks. The moment we finish this letter and owl it to you, we will be... dead! They wont be reading it though.

So, we grab this last opportunity to bless you both. Have a wonderful wedded life. Take care of each other. Always remember, WE LOVE YOU!

Hermione, darling, don't blame yourself for this. You couldn't do anything. We don't blame you even one bit. We love you.

Draco, dear, take care of her. She is our everything.

You will always find us with you. In your hearts. But, don't grieve too much. We wouldn't like it. If you want to remember us, just the happy memories.
Convey our regards to Lucius and Narcissa.

Tell Lucius to give you (Hermione) away at the wedding in my (Michael) place. We know that he treats you like his own daughter. Narcissa can take Jean's place. We would have loved to attend the wedding of our only daughter but Fate has something else for us.

We will miss you. From now on call them your parents. Hermione, Lucius will be your father and Narcissa will be your mother. Give this letter to them as our last greetings to read.

All the best for your graduation as well. Do your exams with your best performance. Do whatever you want to do in life. Choose whichever career you wish to pursue. Never look back. Trust each other. Take care. Buhbye. We love you.


Jean and Michael Granger.

P.S. Don't cry too much. I won't be there to wipe your tears, Hermione. I love you. -Dad.

There were a few blood stains as well as a few tear stains on the letter. Hermione was frozen. Draco couldn't make himself to speak a word. This would be so difficult for her. He kept wondering what Hermione must be thinking. Hermione was still.

After a few minutes of dead silence, Hermione slowly moved her hand upto Draco's hand and gently took the letter from his hand. He didn't say a word and gave it to her. He then wrapped his arm around her shoulders in order to make her comfortable. She slowly leaned into his embrace, put her head on his shoulder. She read the letter over and over in her mind. He kissed her hair and was gently stroking it in order to calm her down. Though she hadn't reacted in the most expected way.

"Hermione, dear, I am sorry." Draco finally spoke in order for her to react. Being numb wouldn't help her.

"Why? You didn't do it. Why apologise?" she asked. Her voice was calm but Draco knew that there must be some whirlpool taking place in her.

FAITH AND TRUE LOVE (Dramione)✔| CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang