24. Heart Pouring

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Narcissa gently stroked Hermione's cheek. Hermione smiled.

"Dear, why do you hesitate so much? Are you afraid of Lucius or myself? What is it dear? I want to know so that we can solve it." Narcissa said gently. She had made her point.

"Mumma, it's not that. I feel like I am ruining all your lives. Because of me, everyone is suffering. I don't want to be the cause of your troubles. I want to be the cause of your happiness and smiles." Hermione said and closed her eyes in an attempt to stop the tears that threatened to leak. They betrayed her and a few tears rolled down her pale cheeks.

"Hermione, open your eyes." Narcissa said. She obeyed. Narcissa wiped her tears.

"Do you know Hermione, we have never been as happy as we were after we met you. Me and Lucius, we are extremely happy for Draco. When we met you, it felt complete. Like nothing could be better than seeing Draco happy. He is the one who has suffered a lot in his young years when no one deserves to be restricted from doing all the activities like a normal child of his age would do. I have always cursed myself that I couldn't be a great mother. Lucius had his own share of things to deal with. He actually was very introvert as a person. Rarely displayed any small emotion. Sometimes I used to wonder whether he feels anything or not.
I have always wanted someone to pamper. Draco has obviously kept his father as his idol but I wanted a girl who would talk to me about her small small things. Small and petty complains. Someone who would come running towards me when she had something to share.
There was a tiny part of me that hoped Draco didn't choose any typical pureblood girl for himself who would roam around the house like a boss. All these problems were solved the moment we met you. It felt like finally, I have someone to share these stuffs. Someone to laught with, someone to gossip around. Someone to cry with. Someone in front of whom I could pour my heart out. Someone who wouldn't consider me as selfish.
And fortunately, by God's grace, I have found that someone. IT'S YOU!" Narcissa finally concluded her long speech. She had actually jumbled everything but more importantly, she had emptied her heart out. Hermione's mouth was agape. She didn't have the slightest idea about her role in the lives of Malfoys.

"Mumma, I am glad that I could fill that empty place in your heart. I am sorry if I made you feel.... alone and unwanted in any way. That wasn't my motive. I am sorry if I hurt you in any imaginable or unimaginable way. Sorry!" Hermione said and covered her face in her hands.

"Dear, stop apologising. I never blamed you. I am just trying to make you understand that we care for you. Your health is now our priority as well as our responsibility. Just don't keep secrets from us. You would have told Jean all your secrets, right? Can you please try and do the same with me? I know I am not your biological mother and nobody can replace Jean's place in your heart, I am just trying to fill the hole a bit. It's mutual, you know? I get a daughter and you get a mother. Isn't this a very beneficial deal for both of us?" Narcissa asked sweetly with a lopsided grin. Hermione looked at her and laughed a bit.

"Deal! Thanks mumma. You're doing a great job. It's true that I miss my mom a lot but I also thank the heavens for you. You are being that angel in my life. Thank you. I love you mumma." Hermione said and pulled Narcissa in for a tight hug. Narcissa couldn't fathom the depths of happiness in her heart. She said she loved her. She questioned herself as to by which good deeds of her, did she get Hermione. Hermione was everything she wanted in her daughter. She was shocked at how quick she had bonded to her. It's just been a couple of months and yet here she was listening 'I love you mumma!' from Hermione.

Narcissa then pulled back a little to look into her eyes. Both their eyes were glazed with unshed tears. They grinned at each other, both of them showing their perfect pearly whites. Narcissa leaned a bit and kissed Hermione's forehead and then her cheeks. They both sat there talking about everything. Hermione had forgotten the letter which lay by her side on the couch. But Draco hadn't forgotten.

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