32. Christmas and Family Party

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All gifts were given. Everyone was sitting on the sofas opening their own gifts. Draco, started by opening his parents' gift. It was a whole new set of eagle feather quills with pure gold nibs. Each quill was different from the other.

Draco had asked for this set ages ago but never found one as his Christmas gift.

"Thank you dad! This is amazing." He said with a genuine smile.

"We apologise we couldn't gift you this earlier. We are happy you like it. The set you asked for had only 3 quills but this one is the latest edition. It has 17 quills." Lucius explained with a hint of pride in his selection. Narcissa just grinned.

"It's alright. Thank you mom, dad." He said with a broad grin.

He opened the next which was from Aria and Stefano, dragon hide belt and shoes. Hand made and rare. Hermione flinched at the idea of using dragon hide. It was animal abuse but didn't say anything.

"These are made from the dragons that die naturally

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"These are made from the dragons that die naturally. The hide is immediately removed and processed with some potions once the death is confirmed. Don't worry. You can ask Charlie if you want. He knows about it." Stefano said sensing Hermione's discomfort regarding their gift. Hermione felt embarrassed all of a sudden. Was she so obvious?

After all other gifts were opened, only Hermione's gift remained. He had been waiting eagerly to see what she had bought for him. When he finally opened the small box, he was so happy that he hugged Hermione immediately.

It was a silver watch which had a gold line on both the straps in the middle. There were four diamonds inside the dial in place of the numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12. It was stunning. He absolutely loved it.

"Thank you so much Mione... You remembered that I wanted a watch?!" Draco exclaimed. It sounded like question and exclamation mixed.

"Obviously I would remember. You like it?" She asked with a sheepish smile.

"Like it? I loved it. Thank you!" Draco said.

"My gift?" She asked. Draco laughed seeing her pouty face.

"Here you go." He said and handed her a box. She eagerly took it and opened the wraps.

It was a big glass sphere mounted on a platform.(Similar to the one in the picture above.) It had a pair of dolls in a dancing position. On closer inspection, the girl looked like Hermione and the boy looked like Draco on the day they were engaged. The same purple gown and the same hairstyle. It was so pretty.
The engraving on the silver platform read:

FAITH AND TRUE LOVE (Dramione)✔| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now