9. Flying hurts!

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"What!?"Draco was completely baffled on hearing this. No lion, no snake, no dragon, but a Tiger.

"Strange but true." McGonagall replied. They had a few more discussions and then they both left for their dorm.

On the way, they decided to meet everyone in the new couples dorm. They greeted everyone and had a good time chatting and laughing with the mixture of all houses. It was really good to know that the so called superior pureblood Slytherins were mixing well with all the houses. They spent nearly 3 hours with the new couples. Together everyone went to the Great Hall for lunch.

Nobody cared for house tables. They sat wherever they wanted with mutual agreement of partners since they were supposed to know each other well. Pansy and Ron sat next to each other on the Slytherin table along with Draco and and Hermione. Blaise sat with Luna, Neville and Hannah on the Gryffindor table. Harry, Ginny, Theo and Daphne sat on the Slytherin table along with the rest of them.

The professors on the High table were smiling and enjoying the sudden house unity injected by the Marriage Law. The younger years were obviously confused seeing a mixture of houses on their tables but let it pass. They were supposed to sit on their own tables and not anywhere except for the couples.

Draco and Hermione went to their common room after lunch. They spent the whole night talking and laughing.

The next day also passed merrily. Everyone was getting along. People spent their time in their dorms as it was a Saturday and hogsmeade trip for younger years. The next day was Sunday.

Draco and Hermione went to the Quidditch pitch for a stroll after Breakfast.

"Why don't you fly? Don't you like brooms and Quidditch?" Draco asked striking a conversation. He had his arm around her shoulders whereas her arms were draped on his perfectly sculpted torso. She shook her head.

"Nope" She said popping the 'p'.

"Why is that so?"

"I am afraid of heights. I don't like to fly because..." She trailed off as though searching for some reason.

"Come on Hermione. Let's fly. I am there to protect you. Nothing will happen." he said reassuring the love of his life.

"No Draco. I can't risk your life. Please. I don't want to. Please understand." She pleaded. She pulled away and kissed him on the lips gently. "Because you are too precious for me. I can't lose you. You are my life." She said hugging him. He hugged her back. He then accioed his Nimbus 2001. "You trust me, don't you?" Draco asked smirking and pulling her away to look at her soft caramel coloured eyes.
"Of course, you nitwit. I trust you with my life and soul." She answered.

"Then let's take a quick ride on my broom over the hills. Come on. Sit and hold me tight. Please come on." he said making puppy eyes and a pug face. She laughed at him. She pulled both his cheeks and said, "Okaaay, my baby." She said pouting and then giving him a cheeky grin. He laughed at how cheeky could Hermione be.

They both hopped onto the Broom and then in a matter of few seconds they were 200 meters above the ground. Hermione hugged Draco back so tightly that it pained. But he couldn't say anything or else she would climb down. He didn't want that to happen. He ignored her extremely strong grip. They were extremely happy to notice a big brown eagle hovering above them nonstop hearing to their conversation.

FAITH AND TRUE LOVE (Dramione)✔| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now