23. New Parents

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"Shave now! I wanna see you shave. Please." She ordered and then turned it to a request. He smirked and nodded.

He went over to the sink and opened the cabinet door to fetch the razor and shaving cream. He put on a good amount of cream on his face. He soon got an idea. He turned around and smiled cockily towards her. She understood and stiffened a bit.

"No. Don't get any ideas. I don't have energy for changing my clothes yet again." She said. He grinned and walked over to her. He bent down a little and touched his cheek to her soft and now pale cheeks. She wiggled a bit at the sensation of the cream on her face. He whispered a quiet 'I love you. Don't worry.'

He straightened and then put some cream on her cute button nose. She crinkled her nose and they both laughed. He then went over to the sink and shaved. Hermione was watching him with awe. She didn't know why. But then, she loved him. His all small activities were admired.

"Did I tell you that I love you?" she asked once he washed his face. He turned around wiping his face with a fluffy towel. He rubbed his eyes as though releasing stress. He looked handsome as always once he was clean shaved. He nodded.

"I love you too my hot Gryffindor Princess." She giggled. He loved her giggling. After many days she was smiling and giggling. They both forgot the reason that brought them to the bathroom. Blood vomit and dead Grangers. Everything was forgotten in those moments.

Draco walked over to her and wiped the shaving cream from her face. She was smiling all the time. Draco pinched her nose and laughed. She blushed.
Draco changed the height of the wheelchair back to normal and pushed it out of the room. The moment they saw the now neat and tidy room, all memories were fresh once again after their temporary bliss. The last letter of the Grangers lay folded on the pillow.

A lone tear rolled down her face. Draco might have noticed this as he moved to the front and kneeled down. He gently took her hands and kissed them. Now her tears were falling freely. They were required. Draco just hugged her and let her cry into his T-shirt. She hugged him back and cried even harder. Her hands clutched the fabric firmly and her head rested on his shoulders. He just let her cry. He didn't know what to say in these sitaquations. After a few moments her sobs died down. She pulled away gently.

"Are you OK now? It's alright if you still want to cry. I am here for you." Draco said sweetly wiping away her tears. She wiped her nose with her sleeve. She then looked up into his warm and welcoming grey eyes. They were very comforting. She smiled sadly and nodded.

"You remember mum and dad didn't want me to grieve. That's what exactly I am going to do. But I will definitely find out who their murderers are. They were innocent." She said after a moment of composing herself.

"I know. I'll help you with that. You're not alone." Draco smiled at her. She smiled back and gave him a small tender kiss.

"Please bring the letter." She said sweetly. He nodded and got up to retrieve the letter from the bed. He walked back to her and gave her the letter. She read it once again smiling sadly at the choice of words by her parents. She now knew what exactly had to be done.

"Let's go. I want to meet Nar-mumma and papa. Could we please go now?" She asked sweetly. Draco grinned at her words. She was calling his mum- mumma and his dad- papa. So childlike but he liked it. He nodded and wheeled her out of their room. They both went down a couple of corridors towards Lucius and Narcissa's room.

Draco knocked and within a few moments, Narcissa opened the door. She looked like she had been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy. Narcissa quickly wiped her cheeks dry upon seeing Hermione. Narcissa and Lucius must have read the letter.

"Mumma, can I get a hug please?" Hermione asked innocently. Her voice was laid with sweetness yet sorrow. By this time Lucius was also standing beside Narcissa. Narcissa smiled and nodded. She bent down and enveloped Hermione in her warm motherly hug. Hermione hugged her back as tight as she could. She was straining herself by putting extra energy in that hug. They both sobbed a bit and then pulled back. They wiped each other's tears and smiled knowingly. Hermione looked over at Lucius and said, "Papa." She nodded her head motioning for him to hug her. He obliged. They both pulled away much quicker than Narcissa's hug. Lucius patted her head slowly and she smiled up at him.

"I am sure you both have read this letter." Hermione said. Narcissa and Lucius nodded.

"Yes. But come in first. No need to be standing in the corridor." Narcissa said and patted Draco on the shoulder. Draco pushed her chair inside and Lucius and Narcissa followed them after closing the door. Draco sat down on the couch beside Hermione's chair. Narcissa and Lucius sat on th bed. Their suitcases were open and clothes were piled on the bed ready to be packed in. Draco and Hermione both had completely forgotten that Narcissa and Lucius were supposed to go on a business trip this morning. But after receiving the letter, it was kept on a hold. They didn't want to rush matters seeing the situation.

"Can we eat some breakfast please? I am a bit hungry. I don't think you not have had any either." Hermione asked. Narcissa and Lucius were surprised that she was very calm and composed. They both looked at each other and then at Draco. He smiled indicating that she was normal. They both sighed and shook their head towards Hermione answering her question. She smiled and said, "Darwin." The elf appeared and bowed a little.

"How can I help you Mistress?" he asked. "Can you please bring us some breakfast? We all are hungry. All 4 of us. For me, some fresh orange juice and a couple slices if bread. It'll sooth my throat a bit. Draco, what do you want? Mumma, Papa, what will you two have?" She asked. Draco, Narcissa and Lucius said what they wished to eat. Darwin then bowed and disappeared.

"Mum, Dad, we want to tell you about her health." Draco said. Hermione grabbed his hand to stop him from saying anything about her. She shook her head telling him not to tell them. She didn't want to give any more tension to them.

"They need to know. You call them your mumma and papa and now you want to hide things from them. It's a serious problem. I am sorry. I have to tell them." Draco said with a slight anger in his voice wrapped in worry. Narcissa and Lucius were seeing this and were confused and worried.

"What is it Hermione? Draco, we want to know." Narcissa said with urgency.

"After she read the letter, we were talking when she suddenly puked on the bed and some on the floor. It wasn't simple vomit. It was blood that she threw up. That part is more than making me sick." Draco explained. Hermione was embarrassed that she threw up on the bed and floor. She was fidgeting with her ring looking at her hands with a few tears in her eyes.

"Dear, there's nothing to be embarrassed about it. You weren't well. And why didn't you want to tell us? Are we going to bite you? Do you not consider us as your second parents? If Jean and Michael were in our place, would you lie to them as well?" Lucius asked in a stern yet caring voice. There was a tinge of hurt in his smooth voice. Hermione looked up to meet his eyes. Her eyes were glassy, her cheeks now wet.

"You both are my parents now. It's just that..... I don't want to bother you with this stupid sickness of mine." Hermione replied sniffling a bit. Draco wiped her tears and embraced her. Narcissa smiled at her. She got up and bent down to Hermione's level. Draco pulled his hand back and dragged Lucius out of the room after excusing themselves and giving Narcissa and Hermione some free time to talk to each other. Lucius smiled towards Hermione giving her a reassuring smile and patted Narcissa's shoulder.

Draco and Lucius went out of the room and shut the door behind them.

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