Chapter 19

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Aph's POV
I was talking to Zane and talking to him about somebody liking me. After awhile he says how everybody likes girls for looks. I agree with him and give him a hug. Once I give him a hug and the notice how skinny he has gotten. I frown a little but and ask why he's gotten hungry lately. After that he says he's fine. Then he faints on me. I couldn't hold him so I accidentally dropped him.

"ZANE!!" I say while kneeling down to him and putting both my hands on him and start shaking him.

I grab my phone out and phone the ambulance. I'm so worried why has he been doing this to himself? I put his head on my lap and start running my hands through his hair. His hair is so soft. Right now I don't care what people think I just really hope he's okay. I groan. Whoever did this to him is totally gonna die.
Zane's POV
I'm still laying on the floor I try and open my eyes. It doesn't work no matter what I do. I sigh to myself mentally. I then feel myself getting picked up and then I'm on somebody's lap. I feel somebody going through my hair. I love this feeling. I then hear somebody run up.

"Is Zane ok?" I hear my younger brother Vylad say.

I forgot he was supposed to pick me up because we were gonna hang out today. Ughhhhh I can't believe this happened I probably disappointed him...

"No, I was talking to him and gave him a hug and then I could feel that he got skinny and then he passed out and I couldn't hold him." I hear... Aph. Why is she taking care of me? I mean I don't know.
In the hospital...
I sit up in my bed. I gasp and look around. Where the hell am I? I furrow my eyebrows. I look beside me and see Aph an Vylad sleeping. I smile. But why am I here? I just remember talking to Aph and then it's black and then I'm here...

I hear shuffling in the seat next to me. I look over and see Vylad waking up. I smile at him. He looks up at me and he looks very excited to see me and runs over and tackles me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him instinctively. He nuzzles his face into my neck. He acts that if he let's go I'll disappear.

"Hey bro! I missed you so much and you scared me so much!" He says while his arms wrap around me tighter.

I push him away a little telling him I couldn't breath. His arms loosen a little. I pull away and smile at him which he smiles back at me.

"I missed you too, Vylad." I say while looking down.

They probably know that I haven't been eating much. I frown a little to myself.

"You guys are probably disappointed in me now..." I say while my frown deepens.

"No, why would we? He says while giving me a bright smile.

Why is his life so perfect. He's popular. Doesn't get bullied. Doesn't have any problems. My mom and dad adore him. Doesn't get abused. My brother doesn't hate him. He's friends with practically anyone he meets. People don't judge him. He doesn't have depression. He's not the most hated person in his school.

"I don't know umm, can I speak to Aph alone?" I ask him and he nods and leaves the room leaving it with just me and Aph.

I shake her awake and once she's awake and sees me her eyes widen and tackle me in a hug again. Why am I getting tackled lately? I groan out in pain since the needle in my hand moved a bit. She says sorry really quickly and gets off blushing from embarrassment.

"Have you been eating lately?" She asks her voice is laced with concern. (Still trying new things so don't be surprised if it sounds stupid kk?)

"Umm, yes?" I say hoping it was the right thing to say.

"No, you haven't why haven't you been eating properly?" She asks a little bit more stern then the last time.

"Ok fine, I didn't think I looked perfect enough for somebody to like me ok!?" I say while raising my voice which catches her off guard and she flinches slightly.

"For who specifically and why don't I know about this girl?" She asks me looking a little excited.

"Promise me you wouldn't get mad at me and leave?" I ask looking down at my lap.

"Yes, why would I leave you?" She asks me while raising an eyebrow.

"B-Because I'm t-the person that l-likes you..." I say while pink paints all throughout my cheeks.

"Oh that w-was you?" She says while processing everything and when she realizes what he just said she then pulls him into a hug trying not to hurt him again.
Aphs POV
I didn't think out of all of the people in the world of people who could like me that it would be Zane. I mean I've liked him a little and yeah because he's so sweet to me. I smile slightly blushing and pull him into a hug slowly so I don't hurt him and so he doesn't see me blushing. I melt into the hug right away and then I'm pulled away when he pulls away.

"Does this mean were a 'thing' now?" He asks me with his head tilted to side cutely.

"No we just confessed our feelings and then are still friends." I say to him sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

After that I felt his lips on mine. My eyes widen and see his mask is down on his neck and he's into the kiss with his eyes closed. After a bit I melt into the kiss and close my eyes slowly. I put my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss while his arms are around my waist. It was a sweet and passionate kiss. After a minute we pulled away while panting. I give him a cheeky smile while giggling. He smiles back and starts laughing with me. Now that I think of it I've only seen him without his mask like twice. I grab him and hug him sweetly. I love the feeling of his arms around me. It makes me feel... Safe.

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