Chapter 12

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Zane's POV
While I was in the shower I was thinking if I die who would miss me? Probably just my mom. Nobody else really cares about me anyway they probably just want me to die anyway.
After The Shower...
I look at myself in the mirror. My hair in the same place. My clothes, still the same. My face, ugly as always. Nothing ever changes for me. I mean if I get new clothes it would be awhile for me because "dad" says it's to expensive and still buys Garroth everything he wants. I don't get why they love him more. Oh well less attention for me. My favourite of all time! I walk out of the bathroom and into my room. I sit down on the bed and go on my phone. I see that my birthday is tomorrow. Yay! I could spend my birthday alone, the way it always is. I grab my bag to get to class. I walk out the door making sure it's locked. I start walking to my class and once I get to it I sit in the back. I get out a book and start reading. I'm pretty smart so I learn stuff easily. (I so wish I was like this! 😂) After the lesson I put my book away and the teacher hands me my worksheet. I mumble a thank you to her and she just smiles at me. I look down at my work a open my textbook.
After Class...
I gather all my stuff up and put it back in my bag. I put my bag on my back and walk to my dorm to get m stuff for next class.
At The End Of The Day...
I walked up to my dorm room and grabbed out my keys. I put it in the keyhole and jiggled it around. Once I heard that quiet click I took out my key and opened my door. I open it to the same thing a messy living room. Really quiet, where nobody comes except Aph once in awhile. Wait, why am I thinking about her she's probably hanging with that guy. Maybe I should just be that loner that doesn't hang with anybody. I mean I'm already like that so there's no point in changing how I act around others. I go to my room and take off my sweater and mask (idek what the heck it is so a mask it is!). I jump into my bed happily and get under the covers. I close my eyes and let myself sleep.

Once I woke up in the morning I look around and see somebody at the end of the bed...

Zanemau ~ My Fat Little NuggetWhere stories live. Discover now