Chapter 8

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Once it's morning I get up and go to the kitchen and see someone I would never expect in my dorm room...

I see Aphmau. I wonder how she got into my room?

"Um Aphmau? How'd you get in here?" I ask her.

"Oh well, your room was open..." She says while blushing and looking down. I don't know why she's blushing but probably because... Wait I don't have a shirt on. It's probably not that because well, I'm not the jock type girls fall for I'm the kind've guy who's just a loner and nobody notices me ever. She probably just blushing because she's embarrassed that she's in my room before in awake.

"Oh, maybe next time I'll learn to check the door before I sleep." I say while running a hand through my hair.

"Ok well, can you um put a shirt on?" She asks while looking down.

I look down at myself and see that I'm only wearing shorts. I nod and walk back to my room. I change into my normal clothes which is my striped sweater and jeans. I make sure I have my mask on. I fix my hair to the side where it usually is. I walk back out to where Aph was and see her sitting down at the table and on her phone.

"Ok I got my clothes on... What are you doing here?" I ask her while sitting down across from her. She turns off her phone and looks up at me.

"Well, yesterday Laurance said you were at my room yesterday what were you doing at my room?" She asks.

"Well, I was gonna a-ask you to lunch b-but you had company so I wanted to leave you two alone..." I say plus I'm to shy around others. "You also know I'm shy around others."

"Yeah, you are shy around others... But you still could've asked." She says to me.

I look down at the ground. "Yeah, you know me I'll just stutter it's to hard for me to talk in front of others an I'm socially awkward anndddd I hate others." I say to her and look at her face.

"Ok fineeee but what were you gonna ask?" She looks into my eyes.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to go on a picnic with me since we barely hang out anymore..." I look away from her.

"We can do that tonight if you want, but right now I got to go to class so I'll come by later to get details!" She's walking out the door waving at me.

I feel so happy right now! But ughhhhh we have class. I check my schedule to see that I have art. Oh well that's one of the good classes at least. I grab my bag and start walking towards the class. I get in and get stares from everybody. Nowadays nobody really has manners and stares and gossip and bully eachother. I don't get why but people just want to be "popular" and try and get people below eachother. I don't see the point in trying to impress everybody so I don't try. I just wish everybody was like Aphmau. Doesn't care why anybody thinks, doesn't want to be popular, wants to help anybody and everybody, and she loves to make everybody happy. I wish I was optimistic and happy all the time but nope... Everybody hates me, they make rumours about me, they put me down all the time, my family is like all broken. I pull up my sleeve a little bit to look at my scars. They're basically all the way up to my elbow. I was more depressed back then so yeah, this happened. My family always yelled at me and my brothers were never around, I had no friends to talk to and basically everyone in the school hated me for no reason. That all changed when I met Aphmau. She was so sweet and I could talk to her about all my problems. She made my whole life better. She's the light in my darkness as you could say. But she would never love me back she would rather like somebody like Laurance. I'm just a loser like everybody says.

Omg guys my hands feel so weird from holding it the way I am and I'm laying on my side and they hurt. My fingers are like numb basically but I could still move it. Some part of my hand is like cramping up and it's a school night and it's like 10:38 pm and I'm supposed to be in bed but I really wanted to finish this so... Yeah. I'm going to go to bed now and I know I'll regret this in the morning but ok well I could always take naps. But good night, morning, or after noon.


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